Cheats & Guides

Unexpected Journey Cheats For Macintosh

  1. Steam Achievements

    Completed the mission Adventurer
    Completed the game without resting Around the clock
    Killed all monsters on the island Butcher
    Collect item accumulative over 100 Collector
    Find it Easter Egg
    Totally stat point over 100 Exercise Result
    Found over 10 hidden items Finder
    Completed the game with less then 30 kills Mercy
    Completed the game within 2 day Pioneer
    Set over 10 traps Trap Master

    Contributed by: chaoyun2k 

Unexpected Journey Cheats For PC

  1. Steam Achievements

    Completed the mission Adventurer
    Completed the game without resting Around the clock
    Killed all monsters on the island Butcher
    Collect item accumulative over 100 Collector
    Find it Easter Egg
    Totally stat point over 100 Exercise Result
    Found over 10 hidden items Finder
    Completed the game with less then 30 kills Mercy
    Completed the game within 2 day Pioneer
    Set over 10 traps Trap Master

    Contributed by: chaoyun2k