Cheats & Guides
Unreal Tournament 2004 Cheats For PC
Bonus info on Epic
While playing through the Single Player mode of the game, click on the Details (at the bottom). Now, at the top of the screen, there is a bar with three tabs on it. If you go to the Other Tournament Matches tab, one of the matches will be Epic Games Inc. vs. ____ (ie, Epic vs. The Corrupt). If you right click on Epic Games Inc., a sub menu will pop up with Team details. If you click on that, a small window will pop up with some information on the history of Epic.
Contributed by: der geist
Unlocking Secret Xan Loading Screen
To unlock the secret Xan loading screen, go into you User.ini file in your System folder. Then do a Ctrl+F search to find backgrounds. You should see four lines with the same words except that two lines have the same number, 2. Change the lower one so it reads 1, 2, 3, 4, and not 1, 2, 2, 4.
Contributed by: Choman
European Console Key
For people with the European version of UT2004, push the TAB key to open up the console when playing. The codes are the same as for the American version.
Contributed by: Rikardos
Unlocking the secret characters without playing the tournament.
In your system folder is the user.ini file. Just open it with Notepad or something similar. You'll notice that most of commands are set out like this.
There is always a gap between the commands. Make a new gap in the command lines and paste this in there.[GUI2K4.UT2k4MainPage]
Text and Variables of that factor
TotalUnlockedCharacters=Malcolm;ClanLord;XanThen you'll have all the secret characters to pick on the character select screen. This is good to use if you accidentally ruin your user.ini file and it gets reset.Contributed by: Phantom Renegade 6X6
Gorgeous Gorge Fan
For Level Developers:
In Unreal Editor, open up the static mesh package "cf_DE".Look for "cf_EasterEgg"Click it, and you will see a guy in spandex wearing a t-shirt bearing a picture of Gorge and the words "GORGEOUS GORGE"Contributed by: mbresnan
Various Console Commands
When playing press ~ and enter the following:
Effect Effect behindview 0 1st person view behindview 1 3rd person view allammo 999 Ammo For Every Weapon addbots # add the numbers of bots specified loaded All weapons allweapons all weapons(not full ammunition) stat audio audio stats FOV # changes "Field of View" to specified number (in degrees) setname (name) changes player name setres WxHxD (example - 800x600x32) Changes resolution to the specified values switchteam changes team suicide commits suicide summon xeffects.redeemerexplosion creates a harmless redeemer explosion stat all displays all stats enablecheats Enables you to use cheats quit exits game entirely exit Exits the game entirely playersonly freeze time (type again to unfreeze) set AdrenalinePickup RespawnTime 5 From now on, any picked-up adrenaline will respawn in 5 seconds stat game game statistics god Infinite Health killbots kills all bots skipmatch loses match and loses credits you have set SuperShieldPack DrawScale 5.0 Make super shield pick-ups look five times bigger. Replace 5.0 with a reasonable scale. Default is 1 (one). Use values less than 1 to shrink the thing changesize # Makes your character bigger or smaller, if in a vehicle, it makes the vehicle bigger or smaller. stat net network play statistics open (mapname) opens specified map playvehiclehorn 1 Plays a funny horn sound, different for each vehicle. Note: You must be in the vehicle when entering this command. setgravity # set amount of gravity setjumpz # set height of jumps setspeed # set speed of gameplay stat fps shows "Frames per Second" slomo # slow motion summon XPickups.HealthPack spawn a health pack (25 health) summon XPickups.ShieldPack spawn a shield pack (50 armor) summon XPickups.SuperHealthPack spawn a super health pack summon XPickups.SuperShieldPack spawn a super shield summon XPickups.UDamagePack spawn a udamage summon XPickups.MiniHealthPack spawn a vial of health (5 health) summon XPickups.AdrenalinePickup spawn an adrenaline summon xweapons.redeemerpickup spawns a redeemer summon xweapons.assaultriflepickup spawns assault rifle summon onslaught.onsavrilpickup spawns AVRiL summon xweapons.bioriflepickup spawns bio rifle summon xweapons.flakcannonpickup spawns flak cannon summon onslaught.onsgrenadepickup spawns Grenade Launcher summon xweapons.painterpickup spawns ion painter summon xweapons.sniperriflepickup spawns lightning gun summon xweapons.linkgunpickup spawns link gun summon onslaught.onsminelayerpickup spawns Mine Layer summon xweapons.minigunpickup spawns minigun summon xweapons.rocketlauncherpickup spawns rocket launcher summon xweapons.shieldgunpickup spawns Shield Gun summon xweapons.shockriflepickup spawns shock rifle summon utclassic.classicsniperriflepickup spawns Sniper Rifle summon Onslaught.ONSHoverTank Summon a Goliath summon Onslaught.ONSPRV Summon a Hellbender summon xweapons.supershockriflepickup summon a instagib shock rifle summon OnslaughtFull.ONSMobileAssaultStation Summon a Leviathan Tank summon Onslaught.ONSHoverBike Summon a Manta summon Onslaught.ONSAttackCraft Summon a Raptor summon Onslaught.ONSRV Summon a Scorpion summon OnslaughtFull.ONSHoverTank_IonPlasma Summon an Ion Plasma Tank summon onslaughtfull.onsbomber summons a dragonfly bomber summon skaarjpack.fireskaarj Summons a Fire Skaarj summon skaarjpack.fireskaarj Summons a fire skaarj summon skaarjpack.gasbag Summons a gasbag summon skaarjpack.krall Summons a krall summon xeffects.tankvictim summons a mangled body summon skaarjpack.manta Summons a manta ( monster ) summon skaarjpack.skaarj Summons a normal skaarj summon skaarjpack.razorfly Summons a razorfly summon xweapons.shockprojectile summons a shock ball summon SkaarjPack.skaarj summons a skaarj summon skaarjpack.skaarjpupae Summons a skaarj pupae summon skaarjpack.elitekrall Summons an elite krall summon SkaarjPack.iceskaarj summons an ice skaarj summon skaarjpack.iceskaarj Summons an ice skaarj summon skaarjpack.monster Summons an unequiped human summon onslaughtfull.onsautobomberbomb summons one of the bombs dropped by the pheonix bomber when you use the target painter summon OnslaughtFull.ONSGenericSD Summons the toilet car togglefullscreen switchs between fullscreen and windowed mode walk tunrs fly off; you will fall from the sky. stat none turn off stats ghost Turns off clipping and gravity for the player Ampibious Underwater Breathing winmatch wins the match your currently playing fly You character can fly through the air as though you are in "flyby" mode. teleport You will be teleported to the location on your crosshairs. Contributed by: kdietz2003, one_gundam_war, Chicken Tortilla, bobfungus, Koshoku, magiwi, Timoteck, Knighty, t2xcross, Darkjackal, Inverness910, mooninomics, Gameorock, olivehehe, KronosCoreMagi, WOODENSTICK, Kcaz64, neopc10
Ballistic Weapons 2.0 Summon Codes
Use these summoning codes in the console menu midgame to summon the weapon you typed in. Also, the final code is an overall code for all Ballistic Weapons.
Effect Effect Reloaded All BW2.0 guns, and 999 ammo for all guns, including M900 (M50) grenades Summon BallisticV2.FP9Pickup Summon FP9A5 Explosive Device (Laser Tripmine) Summon BallisticV2.A42Pickup Summons A42 Skirth Sidearm Summon BallisticV2.A73Pickup Summons A73 Skirth Rifle Summon BallisticV2.A909Pickup Summons A909 Skirth Blades Summon BallisticV2.AM67Pickup Summons AM67 Assault Pistol Summon BallisticV2.BX5Pickup Summons BX-5 Landmine Summon BallisticV2.D49Pickup Summons D49 Revolver Summon BallisticV2.EKS43Pickup Summons EKS43 Katana Summon BallisticV2.Fifty9Pickup Summons Fifty-9 Machine Pistol Summon BallisticV2.FP7Pickup Summons FP7 Incendiary Grenades Summon BallisticV2.G5Pickup Summons G5 RPG Launcher Summon BWBPTwoV2.HVCPickup Summons HVC-Mk9 Lightning Gun Summon BallisticV2.M290Pickup Summons M290 Double Barreled Shotgun Summon BallisticV2.M353Pickup Summons M353 Machinegun Summon BallisticV2.M50Pickup Summons M50 Assault Rifle Summon BallisticV2.M75Pickup Summons M75-TIC Railgun Summon BallisticV2.M763Pickup Summons M763 Shotgun Summon BallisticV2.M806Pickup Summons M806A2 Pistol Summon BallisticV2.M925Pickup Summons M925 Machinegun Summon BWBPOneV2.MRS138Pickup Summons MRS138 Tactical Shotgun Summon BallisticV2.MRT6Pickup Summons MRT6 Shotgun Pistol Summon BallisticV2.NRP57Pickup Summons NRP57 "Pineapple" Frag Grenade Summon BallisticV2.R78Pickup Summons R78A1 Sniper Rifle Summon BWBPOneV2.RS8Pickup Summons RS8 10MM Pistol Summon BallisticV2.RX22APickup Summons RX22A Flamethrower Summon BWBPThreeV2.SRS900Pickup Summons SRS900 Battle Rifle Summon BallisticV2.T10Pickup Summons T10 Toxin Gas Grenade Summon BallisticV2.X3Pickup Summons X3 Knife Summon BallisticV2.XK2Pickup Summons XK2 Submachinegun Summon BallisticV2.XMV850Pickup Summons XMV-850 Minigun Summon BWBPOneV2.XRS10Pickup Summons XRS-10 Machine Pistol Contributed by: OCAdam
Adrenaline Combos
When your adrenaline reaches 100, you can put in these codes to gain temporary bonuses:
Effect Effect Right, Right, Right, Right. Camouflage Left, Left, Left, Left. Character model shrinks Up, Up, Up, Up Faster Movement Speed Up, Up, Down, Down Faster Rate of Fire Right, Right, Left, Left Invisibility Down, Down, Down, Down Regeneration Contributed by: Dany Doring, MVWilliams
Unlock all three secret characters without cheating
To unlock all three secret characters without cheating, you need to beat the game on three different difficulty settings. It doesn't matter which difficulty they are as long as they are different, because if you beat the game twice on the same difficulty setting, you don't get anything.
Unlockable Unlockable Beat the game on any difficulty setting except for the one used to unlock Malcolm ClanLord Beat the game on any difficulty setting Malcolm Beat the game on any difficulty setting except for the ones used to unlock Malcolm and ClanLord Xan Contributed by: Squeaky745
Hidden Voice Commands
Speak the following using a mic to make the named bot perform the associated action:
Effect Effect <Bot name> Suicide Named bot will commit suicide <Bot name> Dance Named bot will dance <Bot name> Jump Named bot will jump up and down <Bot name> Get out Named bot will leave the vehicle they are in <Bot name> Taunt Named bot will taunt opponents <bot name> gimme Specified bot will drop his weapon for you to collect. Contributed by: GTA Assassin X, Insaniac99, Infinik
Record a demo of your game
Open up the console during gameplay, and enter the following code to record a demo of what you are playing. Enter the code following that to stop recording the demo. (The demo will also stop if the current game ends, or you quit playing the game) You can play this demo by clicking on the Community on the main menu, and going to the Demos tab. From there you can create an AVI of the demo, or watch it within the game.
Effect Effect Demorec (name) Records a demo of your current game, the (name) is the name the demo will be saved under in the UT2004/Demos folder StopDemo Stops recording the demo Contributed by: Squeaky745
Summon Fighters
Start up an instant action game. Try to do it in a very open map, such as OS-Dria or OS-Dawn. Open the console (~) and type Playersonly and hit enter. This freezes everyone in the game but you. This is necessary because the fighters will fly forward even when you aren't in them. Once you enter the codes below, get in (the vehicle will start moving, so be ready) and type Playersonly again to unfreeze everyone.
Effect Effect summon ut2k4assaultfull.asvehicle_spacefighter_human Summons a Human space fighter in front of you summon ut2k4assaultfull.asvehicle_spacefighter_skaarj Summons a Skarrj space fighter in front of you Contributed by: Pegleg the Pirate
New Vehicle Codes
Use these codes with the ~ console or with the Tab quick console. These codes WILL NOT WORK if you do not have the Editor's Choice/Mega Bonus Pack Vehicles (Vehicles listed here). You can download the Battle Pack from the Official UT site or Gamespot.
Effect Effect summon OnslaughtBP.ONSDualAttackCraft summons the "Cicada" Bomber summon OnslaughtBP.ONSShockTank summons the "Paladin" Defensive Energy Tank summon OnslaughtBP.ONSArtillery summons the "SPMA" Artillery Unit Contributed by: Gamasan
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ by MaddogELC | 43K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Strategy Guide by Nero | 167K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Strategy Guide by redattack35 | 82K |
In-Depth FAQs | Assault/Onslaught Guide by Irenic Apollyon | 44K |
In-Depth FAQs | Awards FAQ by iviv | 21K |
In-Depth FAQs | Character FAQ by alext_b | 51K |
In-Depth FAQs | Convoy Assault Strategy Guide by NightTrainQ | 22K |
In-Depth FAQs | Loading Hints Text Guide by Xirtam G | 8K |
In-Depth FAQs | Onslaught Strategy Guide by kwix | 63K |
In-Depth FAQs | Raptor Guide by Elemental Emeralds | 26K |
In-Depth FAQs | Species FAQ by WOODENSTICK | 8K |
In-Depth FAQs | Team Building Guide by Hammerlock770 | 17K |
In-Depth FAQs | Weapon/Vehicle Guide by arcticpancake | 72K |
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
In-Depth FAQs | Character FAQ by alext_b | 51K |
In-Depth FAQs | Convoy Assault Strategy Guide by NightTrainQ | 22K |
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
In-Depth FAQs | Character FAQ by alext_b | 51K |
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