Cheats & Guides
Viking Heroes Cheats For Macintosh
Steam Achievements
This title has a total of 42 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.
Achievement Gain access to five taverns. A Regular Use a booster 100 times. Acquired Taste Complete a level without using boosters. Conservative Visit the Magical Forest. Deep Forest Gain access to the tavern. Deserved Rest Enter the whirlpool. Diving Set sail. Drakkar Collect 1,000 units of food. Experienced Farmer Collect 1,000 units of gold. Experienced Gold Digger Collect 1,000 units of iron. Experienced Miner Collect 1,000 gems. Experienced Wizard Collect 1,000 units of wood. Experienced Woodcutter Complete 30 levels with 3 stars. Expert Encounter a patrolling enemy. Face to Face Defeat the storm spirits. First Wave Build a Flying Ship. Flight eet the Living Palm Tree. Great Palm Tree Complete 10 levels with 3 stars. Hour of Glory Cancel a task. I Changed My Mind! Cancel 30 tasks. Indecisive Use a booster for the first time. It's faster this way! Meet a Living Tree. Living Tree Create a magic acorn. Magic Acorn Create a magic coconut. Magic Coconut Create a magic coral. Magic Coral Create a magic pinecone. Magic Pinecone Collect 100 units of food. Novice Farmer Collect 100 units of gold. Novice Gold Digger Collect 100 units of iron. Novice Miner Collect 100 gems. Novice Wizard Collect 100 units of wood. Novice Woodcutter Feed Jormungandr. Old Friend Free the prisoner. Prisoner Complete a level with 3 stars. Rising Star Revive the Living Tree. Second Life Defeat the Sorcerer. Sorcerer Assign 5 tasks at the same time. Strategist Encounter 30 patrolling enemies. Treacherous Paths Meet the underwater tree. Underwater Tree Visit the World of the Dead. Visiting Hel Activate the magic lift. Way to the Skies Meet the wise tree. Wise Tree Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
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