Cheats & Guides
WCW/nWo Revenge Cheats For Nintendo 64
Steal opponent's special move!
To steal an opponents special move you just gotta make sure your spirit meter is flashing ''Special'' and get in either a front or back grapple and press the A and B buttons simultanously and you'll do your opponents special move.
Contributed by: Gruel
Steal Opponent's pose!
To do your opponent's pose, simply wiggle the control stick up and down very fast, for example you can get Hulk Hogan to do the famous Disco Inferno dance!
Contributed by: Gruel
Silver Belts!
During the game's intro, about a few minutes into it where you see The Giant, Eric Bishoff, and Hulk Hogan with a microphone for a few seconds, press the A button to skip to the title screen, now go to championship mode where you see the champion of each belt, and now you'll see that all the champions have silver belts!
Contributed by: Gruel
Unlock Curt Hennig
Win the U.S. Championship mode.
Contributed by: JPeeples
Steal your opponents submission
When on special, make sure your opponent is on the ground and tap A+B next to their body, depending on their position, you will do your opponents submission hold. Hogan can do the crippler crossface and DDP can do the sharpshooter.
Contributed by: Da Ass Man
Play as Managers
During a one-on-one exibition match, choose a wrestler who has a manager. During gameplay press Z on the 3rd & 4th controllers.
Contributed by: Ben Zetlitz
Hidden characters
On the Wrestler Select screen, enter the following codes to play as hidden wrestlers.
Effect Effect Highlight Kanyon and press C-Up Mortis Highlight AKI Man and press C-Up or C-Down THQ Man Contributed by: Lone Wolf16, Ryan Harrison
To unlock the following wrestlers, simply beat the game in the indicated championship modes of play.
Unlockable Unlockable Complete Cruiserweight Championship mode Unlock Billy Kidman and TV Championship mode Complete U.S. Championship mode Unlock Curt Hennig and World Heavyweight Championship mode Complete TV Championship mode Unlock Kanyon Complete Tag Team Championship mode Unlock Meng and Barbarian Complete World Heavyweight Championship mode Unlock Rowdy Roddy Piper Contributed by: Ryan Harrison, Gruel
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