Cheats & Guides

White Day: A Labyrinth Named School Cheats For PlayStation 4

  1. Claustrophobic Janitor

    The Janitor can't enter the corridor connecting Main Building #2 with the New Building. He will stop in front of the doors and walks away after a while. This trick is helpful during Ji-Min's scenario, since the doors to the New Building are unlocked for her from the start of her scenario.

    Contributed by: Externica 

  2. Despawning the Janitor inside the New Building

    Enter the Music Apreciation Room and die to the ghost girl there. The Janitor will be gone, until another cutscene plays or the ghost girl is excorcized.

    Contributed by: Externica 

  3. Unlocking Ji-Min and her scenario

    To unlock Ji-Min, you need to beat the game on hard mode and achieve the ending White Crysanthemum or Ivy. When you start your next playthrough, you will meet her near classroom 2-8. Then after defeating the demonic tree, but before picking up the wood token, you need to find 10 doodles throughout Main Building #1. Once all doodles have been found, pick up the wood token. After a few scnees investigate the noise and enter the northern staircase. Another scene with Ji-Min will trigger, if all doodles have been found. Finally, in Main Building #2, you need to check the security footage inside the principal's office three times. You will see Ji-Min entering the biology lab's backroom. Go there and a timed mission will start. After solving this mission, you're playing as Ji-Min and her scenario is unlocked for this playthrough.

    Contributed by: Externica 

  4. Trophies

    Complete each requirement to get the specified trophy.

    Tired of Love Althea
    Visit the Labyrinth Area Ruled by Vengeful Ghosts
    Collect All Trophies Best Student
    Arrive at the Auditorium Calm Before the Storm
    Bathroom is Scary Come Out Come Out
    Clear Hell Mode 10 Times Conqueror of Hell
    Sincerity Dandelion
    I'm Perfectly Fine Deep Breath
    Hee-Min, Still a Growing Boy? Do you know Soy Milk?
    Hipocrisy Ebony
    Encounter All the Ghosts in Yeondu High School Exorcist
    She Approaches from Afar Faint Hello
    You Can't Do this Fighting Off Pervert
    Experience Death 10 Times Gaining Experience
    Clear Hell Mode Hell's Gate
    Each Encounter is a Surprise Hide and Seek
    Forgive Me Hyacinth
    Nothing Fazes Me Now In a State of Nirvana
    Clear Hell Mode 7 Times Infernal Addiction
    Friendship Ivy
    You Are Mine Jasmine
    Hidden Love Marguerite
    Complete the Ending Collection Memory of White Day
    Clear Hard Mode No Pain, No Gain
    Collect All the Ghost Stories of Yeondu High School Occult Club President
    Clear Very Easy Mode Piece of Cake
    Experience Death 50 Times Resurrection
    Woman living in a cabinet Scared You
    Hair Ghost Has Nice Hair Somebody's Here
    Delicious Soy Milk Soy Milk is Delicious
    Arrive at Main Building 2 The School in Darkness
    Arrive at the New Building The Secret Deepens
    Clear Easy Mode Tougher than Before
    Arrive at the Bottomless Pit Towards the Light
    Experience Death 100 Times Transcendent Death
    Dangerous Pleasure Tuberose
    Enter Main Building 1 Uninvited Guest
    Flirt with the Girls Unwelcomed Advance
    Complete the Ghost Collection Voice of a Ghost
    The Scent of the Bathroom is Becoming Heavenly Wait for Her
    Truth White Crysanthemum
    Clear Normal Mode Worthy Challenge
    Experience Death for the First Time Yew

    Contributed by: Mookiethebold