Cheats & Guides
Wild Woody Cheats For Sega CD
Naughty Mermaid
You must be in Pirate World Act 2.
1) Pick up the power up in the upper left corner of the level (004,005)
2) Move to the far right edge of the stage and pick up a power up buried in the rock to hte right of the level exit (446,054)
3) Pick up the health powerup at (026,007)
4)get the extra life powerup hidden in teh tunnel above the exit (433, 014)
5) get the mermaid sketch powerup above wehre you entered teh level (033,005)
now press START to open the sketchbook, select the mermaid and press C to draw it...Contributed by: Metalpwnsj00
Bonus Round Codes
There's a hidden cheat in every bonus round. To enable them, you have to hold different buttons when picking up certain power-ups. Doing so will make special objects appear in the level; finding them and finishing the level will grant you extra power-ups.
Effect In Mythology World: Hold A+C when picking up the Hourglass Astrocade Dinosaur appears. Reward: 2 extra lives, 1 sketch, 30 extra seconds. In Mechanical World: Hold B when picking up the Pencil Domebot appears. Reward: 1 extra life, 1 sketch, 50 extra seconds. In Cemetery World: Hold C when picking up the Pencil Gargoyle appears. Reward: 2 extra lives, 2 sketches. In Sci-Fi World: Hold B+C when picking up the Sketch #1 Platform Alien appears. Reward: 1 extra life, 2 sketches, 20 extra seconds. In Pirate World: Hold A+B+C when picking up the Hourglass Snoozing Pirate item appears. Reward: 2 extra lives, 2 sketches. Contributed by: discoinferno84
Cheat Codes
On the "press start" screen, hold A + C on controller one while holding Left + B on controller 2. You should hear a tone. Additionally, if you then hold A + C + Down on Controller 1 and Left + B on Controller 2, you'll hear another tone will be enable coordinates while playing. Then, while playing, press the following buttons:
Effect Effect Hold C on conroller 2 and use the d-pad Fly around without getting hurt Press Start on Controller 2 Level Select Enter the master cheat code. Press B on controller 2 for extra sketch power-ups. You can do this 27 times per game. More Sketch Power-ups Press B on Controller 2 More Sketch Power-ups. You can do this 27 times per game. Press A on Controller 2 Refill Health Contributed by: Evil_Dead
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