Cheats & Guides

Wing Commander: Prophecy Cheats For PC

  1. Unlocking More Ships in the Simulator

    To unlock more ships in the simulator, type 'alswantsmoreships' (without the quotes) in the simulator. Then press 'Z' to toggle the extra ships (Piranha becomes Dralthi, Tigershark beocmes Vaktoth, and the other beocme alien ships).

    Contributed by: jvtruman 

  2. Debug Mode

    Effect Effect
    [ctrl] + I God Mode
    [ctrl] + K Kill Self
    [ctrl] + [F12] Kill Target
    [ctrl] + C Turn on/off Collisions

    Contributed by: JustDave 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Most Wicked 24K

Wing Commander: Prophecy Cheats For Game Boy Advance

  1. Cheat Codes

    All codes are done on the splash screen:

    Effect Effect
    R, L, A, A, A, B, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, A Alien Ships in Tactical Database
    Up, Down, A, B, Left, Right, L, L, R, R, B, A Invincibility
    Up, Up, L, R, Down, Down, A, A, B, A Mission Select

    Contributed by: ZekeSulastin, zephyrmaster 

Wing Commander: Secret Ops Cheats For PC

  1. Lots of codes

    Entered during gameplay

    Effect Effect
    good target Better HUD View
    shoehorn Cheat menu
    Ctrl I Invincibility
    moretunes Music select
    Ctrl C No collision

    Contributed by: Robbie Kennedy 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by FullBurst41 72K