Cheats & Guides

Wolfchild Cheats For Genesis

  1. Weapon Select

    In order to swap between Saul's weapons, you must pause the game and press left or right. Provided the wolf picks up any weapons, he can switch between any and all other weapons you have already collected with him after any other pickup to add the ammo count. (Warning: This arsenal resets upon death.)

    Contributed by: WhiteLen 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Joe the Destroyer 89K

Wolfchild Cheats For GameGear

  1. Passwords

    Effect Effect
    MARIO Invinciblity and All stages unlocked
    WX9F2 Stage 2 (Forest)
    FD4RM Stage 3 (Ancient Temple)
    VGK6S Stage 4 (Laboratory)
    JSTPR Stage 5 (Inner Core)

    Contributed by: shadowcore76, KFHEWUI 

  2. Level Select

    Effect Effect
    J8TPR level select

    Contributed by: BXBomber 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by antseezee 39K

Wolfchild Cheats For Sega CD

  1. Dev Team Notes (JP Version Only)

    If you dig into the ROM's code, you'll find a dev note at 000F7016. It contains the game's build date. Also, TXT.TXT contains a greeting from some programmers named "John & Sims" (most likely John Kirkland and Simon Phipps), as well as copyright notices from Victor Musical Industries Inc. and Core Design Ltd. This message also appears in files named TXT1.TXT and TXT2.TXT.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  2. CD OST (JP Version Only)

    If you put the game disc in a CD player, you'll be able to listen to several BGMs starting with Track 2.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  3. Level Select

    Enter the Options screen and press A, B, A, C, A, B. You should hear a sound if you entered it correctly. Return to the main menu, highlight 'Start Game' and enter one of the following codes to go to the corresponding level.

    Effect Effect
    Press C + Start Ancient Temple
    Press A + B + Start Biogenetic Labs
    Press A + Start Chimera Base
    Press A + B + C + Start Draxx's Lair
    Press A + C + Start Inner Core
    Press B + C + Start Inner Sanctum
    Press B + Start Outer Jungle
    Press Start The Jungle

    Contributed by: BXBomber 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Codes and Secrets Codes by CPredator 2K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Joe the Destroyer 89K

Wolfchild Cheats For Super Nintendo

  1. Level skip

    At the title screen, press Y, A, B, B, A, Down, A, B, B, A. The screen should flash if entered correctly. When in-game, press Select button to end the level.

    Contributed by: oblivion from aoc 

  2. Codes

    Effect Effect
    When the 1st level boss dies and you raise your arm in victory press A+B+Start. This lasts until you get an Energy/Mutation icon Invincibility

    Contributed by: HellRaiserChris 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Joe the Destroyer 89K
In-Depth FAQs Boss FAQ by Joe the Destroyer 9K

Wolfchild Cheats For Sega Master System

  1. Level Passwords

    Effect Effect
    WX9F2 Level 2
    FD4RM Level 3
    VGK6S Level 4
    J8TPR Level 5

    Contributed by: Joni 

  2. Stage Select Password

    Enter the password MARIO for a secret message as well as the ability to select your starting level.

    Effect Effect
    MARIO Stage Select

    Contributed by: Mezmorize99 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by antseezee 39K

Wolfchild Cheats For Amiga

  1. Continue

    While playing, type 'ITS NOT ALL WALKING'. This will allow you to continue after you die.

    Contributed by: B.lu4R 

  2. Full Active Life Meter

    Type the followng code at the option screen. Note: This code cannot be combined with any other cheat.

    soulpsychedelicide Full Active Life Meter

    Contributed by: Mikeaspike 

  3. Codes

    Enter code at the Title Screen.

    The Perfect Kiss Unlimited Special Weapon

    Contributed by: Mikeaspike