Cheats & Guides
Wolfenstein: Youngblood Cheats For Xbox One
Wolfenstein 3D
In the Paris Catacombs in the bar area you can play the German Version of the classic Wolfenstein 3D
Contributed by: harley3651
Complete the required tasks to unlock each Achievement and Gamerscore.
Achievement Find all 3D glasses. 3-D Obtain 5 abilities. A better you Achieve mastery level 10 with the Kugelgewehr. A cloud of lead Gore 150 enemies. A red mist Kill 50 enemies while airborne. Airborne Defeat Winkler. Airship down Kill 50 enemies with your Crush ability. American Football Link up with the resistance. Among friends Find all Cassette Tapes. Audiophile Find 60,000 coins. Banker Kill 50 enemies using explosives. Bomber Defeat the Übergarde in Brother 1. Brother 1 Defeat the Übergarde in Brother 2. Brother 2 Defeat the Übergarde in Brother 3. Brother 3 Achieve mastery level 10 with a melee weapon. Chop and slice Achieve mastery level 10 with the Sturmgewehr. Chopper Find all UVK Covers. Cinephile Enter all Undergrounds. Dark Days Achieve mastery level 10 with the Dieselkraftwerk. Demolition woman Achieve mastery level 10 with the Laserkraftwerk. Dust to dust Achieve mastery level 10 with the Elektrokraftwerk. Electric feel Open all red supply crates. Expert explorer Open 200 supply crates. Explorer Obtain 15 abilities. Extra everything Obtain all improved weapon upgrades. Gear head Achieve mastery level 10 with the Maschinenpistole. Get the strap Obtain the God Key. God Key Kill 50 enemies with their own bullets. God mode Achieve mastery level 10 with the Pistole. Gunslinger Find all Floppy Disks. Hacker Achieve mastery level 10 with a Hammer weapon. Hammer time Kill 100 enemies while dual-wielding. Hard boiled Tuck a Hammer weapon away for later. Heavy artillery Kill 10 charging Supersoldaten. Immovable object Get through 10 code locks. Intruder Obtain 10 weapon upgrades. Kitted out Find all Readables. Librarian Obtain all abilities. More human than human Achieve mastery level 10 with all weapons. One woman army Complete all missions. Partisan Enter the Lab X. Plain sight Kill an enemy within 3 seconds of uncloaking 50 times Predator Pick up 250 loot supplies. Prepper Revive or get revived 25 times. Rasputin Kill 500 enemies. Resistor Kill 75 enemies using the weapon type that's most effective against their shield type. Right tool for the job Kill 75 enemies using take-downs. Ripper Obtain 5 power armor skins. See my vest Achieve mastery level 10 with the Blitzgewehr. Spray and pray Stealthily kill 50 enemies. Stealthy Stealth Kill 10 Supersoldaten. Sting like a bee Perform 100 pep signals. Supportive Kill 50 enemies using thrown weapons. Supreme ninja Kill 20 drones. Swatter Fully upgrade a weapon brand. Tacticool Complete a mission with co-op player. Teamwork Obtain the souvenir from Dunwall. Tribute Fire 100,000 shots. Trigger happy Kill Lothar. Vive la révolution! Meet up with your father. World's best Dad Contributed by: Similac
Wolfenstein: Youngblood Cheats For PlayStation 4
Complete each requirement to unlock the specified trophy.
Trophy Find all 3D glasses. 3-D Obtain 5 abilities. A better you Achieve mastery level 10 with the Kugelgewehr. A cloud of lead Gore 150 enemies. A red mist Kill 50 enemies while airborne. Airborne Defeat Winkler. Airship down Kill 50 enemies with your Crush ability. American Football Link up with the resistance. Among friends Find all Cassette Tapes. Audiophile Find 60,000 coins. Banker Kill 50 enemies using explosives. Bomber Defeat the Übergarde in Brother 1. Brother 1 Defeat the Übergarde in Brother 2. Brother 2 Defeat the Übergarde in Brother 3. Brother 3 Achieve mastery level 10 with a melee weapon. Chop and slice Achieve mastery level 10 with the Sturmgewehr. Chopper Find all UVK Covers. Cinephile Enter all Undergrounds. Dark Days Achieve mastery level 10 with the Dieselkraftwerk. Demolition woman Achieve mastery level 10 with the Laserkraftwerk. Dust to dust Achieve mastery level 10 with the Elektrokraftwerk. Electric feel Open all red supply crates. Expert explorer Open 200 supply crates. Explorer Obtain 15 abilities. Extra everything Obtain all improved weapon upgrades. Gear head Achieve mastery level 10 with the Maschinenpistole. Get the strap Obtain the God Key. God Key Kill 50 enemies with their own bullets. God mode Achieve mastery level 10 with the Pistole. Gunslinger Find all Floppy Disks. Hacker Achieve mastery level 10 with a Hammer weapon. Hammer time Kill 100 enemies while dual-wielding. Hard boiled Tuck a Hammer weapon away for later. Heavy artillery Kill 10 charging Supersoldaten. Immovable object Get through 10 code locks. Intruder Obtain 10 weapon upgrades. Kitted out Find all Readables. Librarian Obtain all abilities. More human than human Achieve mastery level 10 with all weapons. One woman army Complete all missions. Partisan Enter the Lab X. Plain sight Kill an enemy within 3 seconds of uncloaking 50 times Predator Pick up 250 loot supplies. Prepper Revive or get revived 25 times. Rasputin Kill 500 enemies. Resistor Kill 75 enemies using the weapon type that's most effective against their shield type. Right tool for the job Kill 75 enemies using take-downs. Ripper Obtain 5 power armor skins. See my vest Achieve mastery level 10 with the Blitzgewehr. Spray and pray Stealthily kill 50 enemies. Stealthy Stealth Kill 10 Supersoldaten. Sting like a bee Perform 100 pep signals. Supportive Kill 50 enemies using thrown weapons. Supreme ninja Kill 20 drones. Swatter Fully upgrade a weapon brand. Tacticool Complete a mission with co-op player. Teamwork Obtain the souvenir from Dunwall. Tribute Fire 100,000 shots. Trigger happy Kill Lothar. Vive la révolution! Meet up with your father. World's best Dad Unlock all trophies. Youngblood Contributed by: Mookiethebold
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