Cheats & Guides

World Snooker Championship 2005 Cheats For PlayStation 2

  1. Unlock The Crucible, Sheffield

    In order to unlock The Crucible for general use, you need to enter the World Championship in the Tour. You need to win all the qualifiers, and once you play your first round match and win it, you will unlock The Crucible for general use.

    Contributed by: The Mad Gamer 

  2. Use professional players in Tour

    In order to be able to use the Middle and Professional ranked characters in Tour Mode, you must complete a full season in Tour Mode. Once you start your second season, you will be given the chance to select one of the professionals to use.

    NOTE: You must win the World Championship within a season to unlock this feature.

    Contributed by: The Mad Gamer 

  3. Unlockable Videos

    There are many unlockable videos available to watch in "Player Unlocks". Here's how to unlock them:

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Achieve the ultimate break of 147 in any snooker match 147 Break Video
    Achieve a break of 30+ in any snooker match 30 Break Video
    Achieve a break of 50+ in any snooker match 50 Break Video
    Successfully complete a double in any snooker match Double Video
    Successfully complete a (legal) plant in any snooker match Plant Video

    Contributed by: The Mad Gamer 

  4. Unlockable Arenas

    These arenas can be used in general snooker matches once unlocked.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Win the first round match in the China Open (you must win the qualifier stage first) Beijing

    Contributed by: The Mad Gamer