Cheats & Guides
Ys Book I & II Cheats For PlayStation 2
Ys I Eternal
Unlockable Unlockable Complete the game Boss Time Attack Mode Contributed by: nirexine
Ys 2 Eternal Story
Unlockable Unlockable Complete the game Boss Time Attack Mode Contributed by: nirexine
Ys I & II: Eternal Story
Unlockable Unlockable Beat the game once Nightmare difficulty Contributed by: Ys_Gamer
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
In-Depth FAQs | World of Dream FAQ by TopperCop | 8K |
Ys Book I & II Cheats For Turbo CD
Slow Motion (Japanese Version)
Enter the password screen by selecting Continue, then selecting the 2nd option from the bottom and finally choosing any of the 5 numbers there. Enter the following Japanese characters (format is Row #, Column #): - 2,11 - 1,14 - 4,6 - 4,1 - 2,12 - 3,15 - 1,12 -. Then, choose end and when you are prompted with a Yes or No question, choose No (right option). Now, start the game and hold Run and press Button 1 to move the character frame by frame.
Contributed by: ReyVGM
Debug Menu (Japanese Version)
Enter the password screen by selecting Continue, then selecting the 2nd option from the bottom and finally choosing any of the 5 numbers there. Enter the following Japanese characters (format is Row #, Column #): - 1,1 - 1,1 - 3,13 - 3,13 - 2,13 - 2,13 - 1,1 - 1,1 - 1,12 - 1,12 - 1,13 - 1,13 - 2,4 - 2,4 - 3,3 - 3,3 -. Then, choose end and when you are prompted with a Yes or No question, choose No (right option). Now, start the game, hold Button 1 and press Select to open the debug menu.
Contributed by: ReyVGM
Sound Test and Item Viewer (Japanese Version)
Enter the password screen by selecting Continue, then selecting the 2nd option from the bottom and finally choosing any of the 5 numbers there. Enter the following Japanese characters (format is Row #, Column #): - 1,2 - 4,1 - 1,11 - 1,7 - 2,12 - 3,15 - 3,1 - 1,11 -. Then, choose end and when you are prompted with a Yes or No question, choose No (right option). You'll go back to the previous menu. In this menu, press Button 2 to go back to the main menu. Now, press Right and if everything was done correctly, you'll see the numbers increase and the last option will change to something else. Enter that last option for the Sound Test & Item Viewer.
Contributed by: ReyVGM
See Area Names When Entering Them
By default, this feature is oddly turned off.
To see the name of the area you are entering, hit SELECT to bring up the menu. Go to the STATUS screen where it displays your stats.
While on the status screen, hit SELECT again to activate the area name function (it will make a "warping" sound). If you hit SELECT again, it will deactivate the function (it will make a "crashing" sound).
When activated, the name of the area you are entering will appear in the brief transition screen between areas. This is especially helpful in areas like Darm Tower in Book I.Contributed by: bruplex
Misc. Passwords
Enter the following at the ''Input Password'' screen:
Effect Effect p8Cue/Qgo$8ee/eeeeeee - OeeZZ/xWWWL1$/$skfPPP - M44OT/vUUHpl2/3M3M4L4 - L4Q Ending Of Ys II (After Final Boss) p9WaC/RA8joCC/CCCCCCC/CTTpp/Rs99neS/SFOzjjj/hfgp7/H88vOKa/fjfjghg/xxv Final Boss of Book II (Level 62) 1e1QJ/UN5W8MM/MJbbbbT/T1?tt/ML114MM/fB$B$B$/Sw8G8/G8G8G8G/8G8G7H7/H9v Last Boss Book 1 *Q2eb/bbbCFjj/jjhghgh/ghghg/hghghgh/ghghghg/yQyQy/QyQyQyQ/yQyQzPz/PzA Start with 99,999 Exp. and 65,535 Gold Contributed by: Crazy AJ, rockman87b, ReyVGM, LiquidSnake
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by VmprHntrD | 81K |
In-Depth Guides | Book I Walkthrough by Emptyeye | 40K |
In-Depth Guides | Boss/Passwords FAQ by Emptyeye | 29K |
In-Depth Guides | CD Track Listing by Emptyeye | 13K |
In-Depth Guides | Master System/Turbo CD Changes by Emptyeye | 9K |
In-Depth Guides | Ys II Walkthrough by Tarkaan | 34K |
Maps and Charts | Mines/Divine Area Map by bruplex | 159K |
Ys Book I & II Cheats For DS
Music mode and time attack mode
Unlockable Unlockable Complete Ys: Book I Music Mode (Book I) Finish Book II Music Mode (Book II) Complete Ys: Book I Time Attack (Book I) Finish Book II Time Attack Mode (Book II) Contributed by: DBM11085, PZSFirebird
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by Korzic | 545K |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by A_Backdated_Future | 306K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Sethan | 147K |
Ys Book I & II Cheats For PC
Hidden cutscenes in Ys II
Once you have beaten the game at least once, a flag is unlocked on all new games allowing for three new cutscenes on a fresh playthrough.
The first is during the opening sequence, the second is after the final rescue of all the NPCs from the Runaways' Hideout, and the last is when you enter the room before the final boss' room.Contributed by: PurestProdigy
Steam Achievements: Ys II
Achievement Achievement Complete Ys II on Nightmare difficulty. A Legend Is Born Slaughter ten generations of gatekeeper. And Your Children's Children Receive money from a duck. Bill the Duck Complete Ys II on any difficulty. Darm It! Unlock all details for all non-boss bestiary entries. Demon Duster Complete Ys II Time Attack. Fireball Wizard Eliminate all the monsters in Gila's basement. Gila's Monsters Sleep in three women's beds. Juuuuust Right Scatter apples violently across the floor, most likely bruising them horribly. Keep the Doctor Away Oh God make them go away! Mosquitoes!! Receive and eat four unique homemade food items. No Reservations Completely fill the character notebook. Notorious A.C. Raise Tarf to max level. Personal Trainer "Measure" Tarf. Police Are On Their Way Receive a free Short Sword. Revenge of Sworded Details Master every achievement in Ys II. Set Sail For New Adventure Max out your money. Spendthrift Make all the animals in Ramia Village absolutely adore you. The Hand That Feeds Them Ensure that Maria is not amused. Timestop Understanding Burn 50 villagers. What the Legends Don't Tell You Find and speak with Aldow. Where's Aldow? Contributed by: Guard Master
Steam Achievements: Ys I
Achievement Achievement Make Dogi break through three different walls. Adol the Wall-Crusher-Enabler Complete Ys I Time Attack. Bump Master Complete Ys I on any difficulty. De-Fact-o Master every achievement in Ys I. Esteria, We Hardly Knew Ye Level-up Feena. Forever Level One To Me Max out your money. Gold Is the New Silver Completely fill the character notebook. Hello, My Name Is Adol "Measure" Feena. Hey Baby, What's Your Width? "Measure" Feena in the creepiest way possible. I Can't See You, But I Can Feel You Complete Ys I on Nightmare difficulty. Into the Sky Unlock all details for all non-boss bestiary entries. Monster Masher Listen to Reah recite her poem. Poetry In Motion Receive a free Talwar prior to entering the tower. Seriously Sworded Details Confuse and astound the townsfolk. Some Kind of Sorcerer Receive a free Short Sword. Sworded Details Rescue Luta Gemma from monsters in the field. That Wacky Minstrel Drive a hard bargain with Pim. The Pim's-Lower Approach Contributed by: Guard Master
Unlock Mascots in Ys II
Mascots are sprites of characters and enemies hanging from strings that can be displayed on-screen after they've been unlocked by going to the options menu. Mascots are cross-save meaning that if you fulfill the requirements to unlock a mascot in one save, it will be available in all saves.
For NPCs you can gift them items such as herbs and flowers to raise a hidden affection stat. Simply approach the NPC with the item equipped in your inventory. Usually the mascot for an NPC is unlocked once their dialogue starts repeating. Note that if you used fire magic on an NPC, their affection can go negative and it will more gifts than normal to max it out.
For enemies you must find and drink the Bestiary Potion and then defeat that specific enemy a number of times until all of its data is unlocked in your Notes.Unlockable Defeat enough Allomod's to unlock all their data in your Notes Allomod mascot Raise Andy's affection to max Andy mascot Defeat enough Ashveil's to unlock all their data in your Notes Ashveil mascot Raise Astal's affection to max Astal mascot Raise Banoa's affection to max Banoa mascot Defeat enough Baocar's to unlock all their data in your Notes Baocar mascot Defeat enough Bearot's to unlock all their data in your Notes Bearot mascot Raise Beth's affection to max Beth mascot Raise Blitz's affection to max Blitz mascot Raise Bohtz's affection to max Bohtz mascot Raise Boris' affection to max Boris mascot Raise Brody's affection to max Brody mascot Raise Caesaria's affection to max Caesaria mascot Defeat enough Carly's to unlock all their data in your Notes Carly mascot Raise Carson's affection to max (can only be done after escorting Tarf back to the Colony of Lava) Carson mascot Defeat enough Cauction's to unlock all their data in your Notes Cauction mascot Defeat enough Ceabith's to unlock all their data in your Notes Ceabith mascot Raise Ceres' affection to max Ceres mascot Defeat enough Charront's to unlock all their data in your Notes Charront mascot Raise Chelnie's affection to max (can only be done after escorting Tarf back to the Colony of Lava) Chelnie mascot Unlocked when you start the game China-Dress Feena mascot Unlocked when you start the game China-Dress Reah mascot Defeat enough Chrace's to unlock all their data in your Notes Chrace mascot Burn Lilia with fire magic 300 times Chun-lilia mascot Raise Colt's affection to max Colt mascot Raise Darie's affection to max (can only be done after escorting Tarf back to the Colony of Lava) Darie mascot Unlocked when you start the game Dark Fact mascot Defeat enough Delpus' to unlock all their data in your Notes Delpus mascot Defeat enough Dirga's to unlock all their data in your Notes Dirga mascot Unlocked when you start the game Dogi mascot Unlocked when you start the game Duckling mascot Defeat enough Dyphthelloid's to unlock their data in your Notes Dyphthelloid mascot Raise Ed's affection to max Ed mascot Defeat enough Eggnid's to unlock all their data in your Notes Eggnid mascot Defeat enough El Endes' to unlock all their data in your Notes El Endes mascot Raise Elder Cornell's affection to max Elder Cornell mascot Raise Elle's affection to max (can only be done after escorting Tarf back to the Colony of Lava) Elle mascot Raise Esca's affection to max Esca mascot Use a fully charged fireball to destroy the giant pumpkins in the Colony of Lava 20 times Exploding Pumpkin mascot Raise Favre's affection to max (can only be done after escorting Tarf back to the Colony of Lava) Favre mascot Raise Faye's affection to max Faye mascot Raise Feena's affection to max Feena mascot Raise Flair Rall's affection to max Flair Rall mascot Raise Flonne's affection to max (can only be done after escorting Tarf back to the Colony of Lava) Flonne mascot Defeat enough Forkless' to unlock all their data in your Notes Forkless mascot Unlocked when you start the game Fortuneteller Sara mascot Raise Frau's affection to max Frau mascot Raise Fred's affection to max (can only be done after escorting Tarf back to the Colony of Lava) Fred mascot Raise Frith's affection to max Frith mascot Defeat enough Galgata's to unlock all their data in your Notes Galgata mascot Defeat enough Gearot's to unlock all their data in your Notes Gearot mascot Defeat enough Gene's to unlock all their data in your Notes Gene mascot Defeat enough Gercard's to unlock all their data in your Notes Gercard mascot Raise Gila's affection to max Gila mascot Defeat enough Gnometh's to unlock all their data in your Notes Gnometh mascot Raise Goban's affection to max Goban mascot Defeat enough Godaago's to unlock all their data in your Notes Godaago mascot Defeat enough Godrup's to unlock all their data in your Notes Godrup mascot Raise Gorto's affection to max Gorto mascot Raise Guido's affection to max Guido mascot Complete the game on Easy difficulty Gussied-Up Lilia mascot Defeat enough Gworter's to unlock all their data in your Notes Gworter mascot Raise Hadat's affection to max Hadat mascot Interact with Priest Mesa's statue 5 times in the Sanctuary of Toal Health Charm mascot Unlocked when you start the game Hello Minea's Nurse mascot Talk to Zalem normally (not gifts) 5 times. You must exit and re-enter her shop for it to count I Heart Zalem mascot Talk to Maria 4 times (normally not gifts) in the Core of Ancient Ys Imprisoned Maria mascot When Tarf is following you level him up to 25 (give 7 gifts for the first level, and then he attacks enemies to level) In Situ Tarf mascot Raise Ischt's affection to max (can only be done after escorting Tarf back to the Colony of Lava) Ischt mascot Raise Jade's affection to max Jade mascot Raise Jill's affection to max Jill mascot Defeat enough K'nocks' to unlock all their data in your Notes K'nocks mascot Raise Karen's affection to max Karen mascot Raise Kasim's affection to max (can only be done after escorting Tarf back to the Colony of Lava) Kasim mascot Raise Kate's affection to max Kate mascot Raise Keith's affection to max Keith mascot Raise Kris' affection to max Kris mascot Raise Kyle's affection to max Kyle mascot Raise Larsen's affection to max Larsen mascot Raise Lazlo's affection to max Lazlo mascot Raise Leggs' affection to max Leggs mascot Raise Leonor Rall's affection to max Leonor Rall mascot Raise Lilia's affection to max Lilia mascot Raise Lloyd's affection to max Lloyd mascot Raise Lucille's affection to max Lucille mascot Interact with Priest Tovah's statue 5 times in the Sanctuary of Toa Luck Charm mascot Raise Lucy's affection to max Lucy mascot Raise Luta Gemma's affection to max Luta Gemma mascot Defeat enough Magnute's to unlock all their data in your Notes Magnute mascot Complete the game on Hard difficulty Maid Lilia mascot Defeat enough Malochius' to unlock all their data in your Notes Malochius mascot Raise Maria's affection to max Maria mascot Raise Marina's affection to max Marina mascot Raise Masontorch's affection to max Masontorch mascot Raise Meryl's affection to max (can only be done after escorting Tarf back to the Colony of Lava) Meryl mascot Raise Muto's affection to max Muto mascot Raise Nash's affection to max (can only be done after escorting Tarf back to the Colony of Lava) Nash mascot Defeat enough Nashzar's to unlock all their data in your Notes Nashzar mascot Raise Natalie's affection to max (can only be done after escorting Tarf back to the Colony of Lava) Natalie mascot Raise Natasha's affection to max Natasha mascot Raise Neal's affection to max Neal mascot Defeat enough Neeli's to unlock all their data in your Notes Neeli mascot Raise Noit's affection to max (can only be done after escorting Tarf back to the Colony of Lava) Noit mascot Raise Nurse Sarina's affection to max Nurse Sarina mascot Defeat enough Nustarl's to unlock all their data in your Notes Nustarl mascot Defeat enough Onuman's to unlock all their data in your Notes Onuman mascot Defeat enough Orihalcus' to unlock all their data in your Notes Orihalcus mascot Raise Oseam's affection to max Oseam mascot Raise Paulie's affection to max Paulie mascot Defeat a boss without taking any damage Photogenic Lilia mascot Unlocked when you start the game Plainclothes Feena mascot Raise Polo's affection to max Polo mascot Defeat enough Preliguard's to unlock all their data in your Notes Preliguard mascot Unlocked when you start the game Priestess Feena mascot Complete the game on Normal difficulty Priestess Lilia mascot Unlocked when you start the game Priestess Reah mascot Interact with Priest Fact's statue 5 times in the Sanctuary of Toal Prosperity Charm mascot Defeat enough Puroid's to unlock all their data in your Notes Puroid mascot Unlocked when you start the game Rado's Annex Reah Raise Rafa's affection to max (can only be done after escorting Tarf back to the Colony of Lava) Rafa mascot Raise Reah's affection to max Reah mascot Raise Regg's affection to max Regg mascot Raise Reise's affection to max Reise mascot Defeat enough Rewillvan's to unlock all their data in your Notes Rewillvan mascot Raise Rex's affection to max (can only be done after escorting Tarf back to the Colony of Lava) Rex mascot Raise Rimera's affection to max Rimera mascot Defeat enough Ripplet's to unlock all their data in your Notes Ripplet mascot Enter the Roo village in the moat of Burnedbless Roo mascot Raise Ruba's affection to max (can only be done after escorting Tarf back to the Colony of Lava) Ruba mascot Raise Sada's affection to max Sada mascot Interact with Priest Hadal's statue 5 times in the Sanctuary of Toal Safety Charm mascot Raise Saffron's affection to max Saffron mascot Defeat enough Scollun's to unlock all their data in your Notes Scollun mascot Raise Sheila's affection to max Sheila mascot Interact with Priest Gemma's statue 5 times in the Sanctuary of Toal Study Charm mascot Interact with Priest Dabbie's statue 5 times in the Sanctuary of Toal Success Charm mascot Defeat enough Swoff's to unlock all their data in your Notes Swoff mascot Complete the game on Nightmare difficulty Swooned Feena mascot When escorting Tarf, give him 7 gifts to level him up Tailed Tarf mascot Raise Tanya's affection to max Tanya mascot Raise Tarf's affection to max (must be done after escorting him to the Colony of Lava) Tarf mascot Unlocked when you start the game Tasty Rodentia mascot Raise Tess' affection to max Tess mascot Raise Theo's affection to max Theo mascot Raise Tita's affection to max Tita mascot Defeat enough Tolpi's to unlock all their data in your Notes Tolpi mascot Defeat enough Topus' to unlock all their data in your Notes Topus mascot Raise Tran's affection to max Tran mascot Unlocked when you start the game Troubadour Reah mascot Defeat enough Trover's to unlock all their data in your Notes Trover mascot Defeat enough Valkyria's to unlock all their data in your Notes Valkyria mascot Defeat enough Warrizor's to unlock all their data in your Notes Warrizor mascot Defeat enough Xelbenoth's to unlock all their data in your Notes Xelbenoth mascot Raise Zalem's affection to max Zalem mascot Defeat enough Zavanite's to unlock all their data in your Notes Zavanite mascot Defeat enough Zearot's to unlock all their data in your Notes Zearot mascot Defeat enough Zolgell's to unlock all their data in your Notes Zolgell mascot Contributed by: PurestProdigy
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by Korzic | 545K |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by A_Backdated_Future | 306K |
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