Cheats & Guides

Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Joey the Passion Cheats For PC

  1. Double Gameplay Speed

    First, go the Start button, and choose Run. Now, enter "C:\Program Files\KONAMI\Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos JOEY THE PASSION\joey_pc.exe" -speedy

    It must be typed exact, or it won't work. After the game kicks in, challenge Joey to a duel, and you'll definately see a difference...

    Contributed by: Nintendax 

  2. Show current game speed

    First, go the Start button, and choose Run. Now, enter "C:\Program Files\KONAMI\Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos JOEY THE PASSION\joey_pc.exe" -fps
    It must be typed exact, or it won't work. After the game kicks in, challenge Joey to a duel, and you'll definately see FPS tracker appears in upper-left corner (30 normally, 60 with -speedy mode on).

    Contributed by: LACKERN 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by crispymallow 129K
In-Depth FAQs Card List by vrapong 109K
In-Depth FAQs Play Guide by Koala Chamise 32K