Cheats & Guides

Zero4 Champ RR-Z Cheats For Super Nintendo

  1. Jet Engine

    Start the story mode of the game. You will have to enter a name for your character. Enter "Do-H-Ga-Me" in Japanese hiragana, which literally means "dumb tortoise".

    Then when you have control over the character's action in his dining room, choose the option "Dogu o Tsukau", which means "Use an Item". And then choose "Jetoenjin", which is a phonetic borrowing of the words "Jet Engine". Then your car will have excessively strong power on the wet course!

    Contributed by: TownRanger 

  2. Get tons of easy money just by cheating in your dining room!

    Start a new game with the STORY mode. Right after the starting scene, you will be in your new dining room where the game gives you options to customize its colors.

    There are five options for your dining room; they are (in order): Kabe (Wall), Ka-ten (Curtain), Ka-petto (Carpet), Sofa- (Sofa), and Posuta- (Poster). You will have to choose a color for each of them.

    Choose Wall=kiiro (yellow), Curtain=midoriiro (green), Carpet=kiiro (yellow), Sofa=kiiro(yellow), and Poster=Shu-ru (Surreal).

    Your money will then be raised to 30 million yen!

    Contributed by: TownRanger 

  3. Unleash the real power of the hidden car--Zero1

    Start a new game. When the game prompts you to customize your hero's dining room, enter the following options in order:

    Kabe (Wall) -- Shiro (White)
    Kaaten (Curtain) -- Kuro (Black)
    Kaapetto (Carpet) -- Kuro (Black)
    Sofaa (Sofa) -- Aka (Red)
    Posutaa (Poster) -- Suupaakaa (Super car)
    (It matters not if you can\'t read Japanese letters and Chinese characters, you can tell from the picture.)

    Now you can purchase the hidden car Zero1 in the showroom at any time!

    Contributed by: TownRanger 

  4. Mahjong master

    Start a new game with the stroy mode. The game will invite you to enter a name for your hero, now enter the Japanese katakana: RonRonRon.

    When you have control over your hero's action in his dining room, choose the option DouguoTsukau (use an item). You will have all the items that allow you to win automatically in the mahjong contest.

    Contributed by: TownRanger 

  5. The ultimate racer--Fannicar!

    Reach the very last race against the champion. Lose to the champion 10 times. Go back to the showroom and you can now purchase the ultimate overpowered car--the Fannicar. No car can stand a chance against your Fannicar now!

    Contributed by: TownRanger 

  6. Invincibility in the RPG combats

    Start a new game. When the screen prompts you to enter a name for your hero, enter the Japanese hiragana:
    Then when you enter the combats with your party members, you will never die!

    Contributed by: TownRanger 

  7. The hidden Mini-story mode!

    Beat the Story mode of the game once. Restart and you can enjoy the mini-story mode. Mini-story mode

    Contributed by: TownRanger 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth FAQs Car Guide by TownRanger 62K
In-Depth FAQs Secret/Glitch FAQ by TownRanger 28K