A real let-down, if you really want it, rent it first, waste of money

User Rating: 3 | Gangs of London (UK) PSP
I was thinking about buying this game for my psp but then felt i should borrow it from my friend first before venturing out to purchase it.
Its a good thing i did borrow it first because i was disapointed with the game and felt it was going to be a waste of money.

The car handling in the game is poor and irritating to say the least. The gang wars mini game is pointless and hard to grasp the concept of and realise what you are doing. The missions are the only real interesting thing in the game, even some are very difficult early on and would take a while to get used to.

The only real good thing is the free roaming mode and miniture games where you can be a riot police officer etc, other than that the game is a disapointment and should not be bought. If you really feel as if you need this game, RENT IT FIRST and then see if it is good enough to go out and buy.

Summary- fairly okay missions, bad car handling, pointless gang wars mini game , not worth buying