An old school mafia strategy game with some cool features
#1.Drive by shootings,hit men,bank robbery,prostitutes,armored cars,blowing up buildings and police bribery
#2.Taking your entire gangster family right to the enemy building and killing everyone using machine guns
#3.Taking control of new territory which allows you to buy more gangsters and weapons
#4.The game is challenging in some levels
#5.You can get the FBI to shut down a rivals illegal business
#6.It does have multiplayer but I never tried it
#1.Weak Story
#2.All the lowest level gangsters or soldiers are the same only they look different and can be upgraded with better guns.The top gangsters in your family or your lieutenants have special abilities but they all feel the exact same as each other.I'm just saying the lack of variety might really bother you
#3.To hire a business specialist and make him go to the business you want him to run is complicated and it shouldn't be
#4.The game is really repetitive
#5.For all the options the game has it is shallow at the same time
The Bottom Line -
Gangsters 2: Vendetta is fun and a challenge.I beat the game a few times.If you like mafia games and if you like strategy then give it a try.This game isn't going to be for everyone so don't get upset if it's not for you.
I suggest you watch a video of the gameplay if you just aren't sure.
You can buy it at for around $12 including shipping as of today.
My 2 cents