Wing Flapping Hero

User Rating: 9 | Red Arremer: Makai-Mura Gaiden GB
"Gargoyles Quest" is to me one of my favorate video game franchises and I feel one of the best Capcom had to offer. Yet, the sad thing about this franshise was it never flew high enough to become the next big thing for Capcom which is a real shame because this franshise despite short of perfection had a lot of potential. Personally I'd love to see Capcom come back to this franshise, either more sequels or a reboot I'm fine either way cause they really could use and build on another franchise right now.

But down to the gist of things, this first entry became a cult gem for the Game Boy and it truly is a gem because it was a mix of both action platforming and RPG which was revolutionary for it's time but was the first shot in a long line of others like the cult franchise "Shantae" and later "Castlevania" games.

The graphics are good, I felt they really were pushing some boundaries as they successfully created a dark gothic fantasy world much like the one in
"Castlevania". From some of the overworld down to the levels themselves which are slightly non linear, like the castles in "Castlevania" I really like the detail of them, each of them are different and are full of secrets, turns and traps. It's got soild music which I think fits the game's atmosphere, their sort of gothic adventurious tunes.

But the gameplay is supurb, you have a soild amount of enimies to keep you busses as well as bosses whom I think are decent. I really love the wing function where it will keep you in mid air but only for a period of time depending on how high your gauge is (in the final level it's unlimited) so it causes you to pick your jumps and flight path carefully. But I really like the function where you latch onto walls, this function is in the early "Ninja Gaiden" games but here I feel they really push the dynamic to it's fullest potential. What I love about it is that the wall latch dynamic is basically the simple platform jumping dynamic but it's twisted sideways where your not just finding the next platform to jump from point A to B but your finding the next wall to safely latch onto. This is great because it causes you to utilize your enviorment more.

But the game isn't perfect, the overworld is kinda small this was probably due to hardware limitations. I wish there was a little more of a story, the dialog is rather cut and dry. RPG level grind battles are a bit repetitive.
But most of all the game is kinda short and easy by my standards, but all the same I did have a lot of fun and these are minor quibs I can fly past and it's still one of my favorate entries for the system.

Overall I think this is one of the Game Boy's better games that's worth a test flight.