Frustrating unplayable port of an snk gem, don't waste your cash.
The game itself was a fine example of what snk can do with it's 2d fighting games, and Garou was a fine way to close the Fatal Fury franchise ( I can't be sure if it's really over for FF, but no sequel from 1999 suggest snk has given up on it and it's probably concentrating on KOF)
The t.o.p. system was a nice touch to spice things up and so was the just defend system, the new characters really are a breath of fresh air, even if some play like older characters, the problem though is that, in my opinion, characters are not balanced, forget what snk fanboys tell you, they are NOT, tizoc is way faster than what he should be and takes a third of an health bar with his justice throw, which you can't even escape, the cpu is invincible when it jumps backwards or when it attacks you, countering it's not a matter of skill is a matter of luck, the last boss kain is even worst, he will hit you in the air 9 times out of 10, the only way to hit him is when his moves don't connect, in other words you have to wait for him to make a mistake, otherwise it is not possible to him, most times he is able to perform a super special move and just defend your counter attack if you happen to jump on him, he leaves himself open almost never, and I'm talking on the default setting difficulty level, to make matters worst is the fact that this xbox port has an input lag on the commands of about a second, and I mean offline, that makes it impossible to block in time or to perform super special moves, the 360 pad is bad as it is, if you add this lag it makes playing this game frustrating and not enjoyable at all.
The online play is even worst, although it's sounds nice to have online play for this title and I was happy to hear that when I got it, playing online it's just irritating, I live in sydney so I was told that the problem is my connection and in the states they don't experience such lag, I can't be sure if that's true, but if you live in australia forget about playing this online, if you find a match chances are they're in the states and will kick you out, if you get accepted, be ready to get demolished without nothing you can do to react.
Bottom line is Garou mark of the wolves was a nice game, definitely not the best because it has got some issues such as unbalanced characters, ridiculous hit frames and so on,
this port makes it all even worst, don't take my word for it, if you got 800 xbox points you wanna waste, be my guest and try it, even more so if your a snk fan or a 2d fighting fan,
don't say I didn't warn you though.