Generally this game wasting time and my advise don't even try to move on in this game.
they tried to make this game like "GOD OF WAR" how come and what's the deference between them of curse The version of Garshasp I played back then was really flawed, bugs everywhere, stupid camera, amazingly cheap boss fights, completely non-existent story (I should note that this game had 'nother story and the developer team built most of the game based on that, then at the last moment the original story wasn't approved and they had to change it... and you most definitely notice this). The game was also awfully optimized in the graphics department, I had to force Vsync to be able to deal with the massive amount of screen tearing going on.
They most likely have fixed some of the issues from back then which is promising. Because in it's initial state upon release, Garshasp wasn't a playable title.
I should also note that making games in Iran is a really difficult and convoluted process, I've been in game design thinking rooms and the amount of misc. things you have to keep in consideration when making games is ridiculous. For instance, we were not allowed to use "magic" at all in any of our games. It wouldn't matter if we called the paranormal stuff "alchemy" or something else, but magic was a no-no.