There's potential that gets wasted
Visuals: Not overly bad looking, aside from Garshasp himself who I think they overdid his browridge, and it reminds me a little of a WoW calendar I had for Christmas a couple of years ago. The camera is enough to drive you nuts. It might be because I'm used to playing games where camera control is a basic function but sometimes the way it changes is enough to screw things up or make you want to shift it so you can see where you're going; that way you don't miss anything.
Sound: All right and honestly I haven't given it much mind.
Gameplay: Combined with the camera, the platforming is irritating. If you're not as great at platforming as I am, it isn't great. This may have something to do with collision detection in the game but there have been times when I think I'll just be on the edge of a platform, go to go, and then I die.
Combat is okay but collision detection, especially when trying to finish an enemy off, isn't quite right. But aside from that, it isn't bad.
Story: In a game like this, I expect to feel some kind of connection to it. I don't, none whatsoever. I know this is supposed to be based on Persian mythology but for many Americans and Canadians, we didn't grow up with it. We're used to Greek and Norse mythology. Sure it might be cool to learn about it but the way everything's presented, doesn't draw me in and pique my curiosity. For all is done, this might as well be a fantasy land created by some modern author and not the myth of a people.
Design: Broken simply put. It's buggy and it freezes more than it should. The computer I have is only a year old and runs games like Crysis and Crysis 2 fine but this game gets hung up. It hangs for several seconds longer than it should when you level up or there's a tutorial tip, screwing up the pacing. I haven't played this game much and part of it is because I've had trouble even loading up. This should be like this for a game like this.
I'm not bashing this game for the sake of bashing it, but as with all my reviews I feel it necessary to point out blatant flaws. If a game is good, I'll give it a good review. This isn't one of those games.