Gauntlet is a series that's been around for a while. Gauntlet: Dark Legacy was originally an arcade game that Midway kindly ported over to the PS2. It's great fun to play with friends, but it does get repetitive. You pretty much attack the minions and occationally use a special attack to devestate them. There are boss battles, but their pretty easy once you figure out the pattern, which doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out. The biggest thing that this game has going for it is that it will take you a very, very long time to complete it and it's a solidly entertaining co-op game. Sure, compared to some of today's hack and slash games, this one looks like it came from the stone age, but Gauntlet: Dark Legacy is a solid action game that will keep you entertained for weeks, maybe months.
Gauntlet Dark Legacy has quite a bit to offer buried inside, it just doesn't take full advantage of it's potential. What does come out is a pretty straightforward, yet entertaining, button mashing hack & slash experience... Read Full Review
I don't understand how this got such a bad review. This game is real fun. They did a great job making this game. Everything is consistent, the graphics are pretty decent, and the music is great. It really becomes fu... Read Full Review