User Rating: 2.5 | Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows XBOX
I just purchased Seven Sorrows earlier this evening. Great graphics, a new style of fighting for Gauntlet games, okay story line. I was actually enjoying the game (playing as the elf) until I realized that I had finished the darn thing in LESS THAN 3 HOURS!!!! I tried to take my elf through again after I won the game to get more levels and see if it was really hard on the highest setting. You just end up with a super powered character who gets hit a touch more and has less continues. BORING!!!! No replay value what-so-ever. Personally, Midway's new Seven Sorrows is a rip off. They either scrapped the product for a new 360 version, or stopped writing. It's predecessors graphics were horrible, but at least the game's story was longer and you actually could play it more than one weekend. This game is barely worth the $5 to rent it for 3 days let alone the $50 I shelled out for it! One of the worst valued games I have ever played.