I disagree

User Rating: 8.6 | Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows PS2
Well, i have to disagree with Gamespots review of this game. I think that this incarnation of Gaunlet is one of the best I have ever played since the Original Gauntlet Arcade back in the 80's. I remember spending hours at the arcade, and tons of quarters, on both Gauntlet and Gauntlet 2. Yhen several years back, there was Gauntlet: Dark Legacy. Now it was an ok game as well, but I wasn't as impressed with it, as the originals. Now I can finally say that I am impressed with another Gauntlet game, Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows is quite a wonderful game. I can almost guarantee that if this game were at the arcades, i'd probably be dropping as many quarters as I did growing up with the original.

Then again, I guess I am not like most people. I don't care about the graphics of a game, or the sound. Speaking of sound, if you listen close enough there are even still some of the original Gauntlet sounds in the game. The controls are rather easy to learn to use, and that if fairly important in a game, or at least in my opinion it is, because there are not really any complicated moves or button presses you have to remember. It's just hack and slash your way through wave after wave of monsters. I believe Midway has accomplished what they set out to do with this game, and I hope that they plan on making another, as it can only get better, and better with time.

All in all, perhaps this game isn't for everyone, but I think that folks should at least rent it, and make thier own minds up. In my opinion it is an overall great, and fun game, that will entertain those who have been fans of the gauntlet games from all those years ago.