The REAL review!!! Read this if you are still debating on buying!!!
Bigger was mention first and foremost so were gonna put this ahead. This game takes the original Gears Of War and smashes it with a hammer in terms of scale. So the first Gears you see like maybe 10, 15 people in each firefight. In GeOW 2 you will see hundreds of drones on screen in a few areas, alongside MULTIPLE Brumaks, Corpsers, and other large baddies. The amazing things they have put into this game shock and awe. You simply feel like a larger war is happening on all fronts besides your little rag tag squad from the first game.
Delivered- Yes
Better is something that is pretty hard to believe seeing as the first game has such a cult following. But again, they pulled it off at Epic. Theirs really no way to describe the game other than better than the original. As bad as that sounds, it truly is a better, more refined game. Also a key thing that needs to be noted, is that despite the major Hype with this game, I wasn't disappointed PERIOD!! Normally when you get super hyped for a game, you end up psyching yourself out and thinking that it didnt do well enough to your standards. Gears fought and won against Hype though. The movements are smoother, the games is more fun, the story is grander, and any way you look at it. Gears to is better. The new weapons, characters, creatures, modes etc. etc. Everything about this game screams Gears 2.0 no 1.5 crap period. The thing is that Epic had set the plot, mechanics, and basics. So now they were able to really finetune the small problems with the first game. Like in the underground potions in the first game, if you throw a frag in the immlusion instead of sinking like it would in a liquid, It bounces like its a hard surface. All they did before to get out of some work was texturized a smooth surface and made it play an animation. No more of that, liquids move extremely realistically. Whether you are walking through it or shooting it. The graphics are upped a decent enough amount that you can notice without having to load up one then the other. Great improvements have made this already good game better.
Delivered- YES!!
More Bad Arse... What is the definition of this really? Well I suppose I can tell you. When you blow a guy to bits after frag tagging a wall, and then to top it off his friend comes around the corner and you down him, then you walk over, and tear his head off with a Torque Bow. That makes you feel like a million bucks, like you are unstoppable. The executions make a new touch of raw visceral brutality that the first game simply didn't have as much of. The chainsaw duels, man when you win one you feel again, like you cant be stopped. Like a god almost.
Delivered- Yes (on any definition)
Now I know this wasn't listed as one of my review pieces but I have to explain that this game will own your online life! You will not want to put horde down ever. Holing up in an area with some friends, and stopping a seemingly never ending group of Locust is the most fun ever. This really just is so much fun because its kill after kill, you can compete with your friends to see who gets the highest score. The feel of Arcade game is here and thats what makes Horde so addicting. Its rewarding, Funny, and its great to do a 5 player co-op bit.
Delivered- YES