story is brilliant offline is just no stop fun online needs a lot of work
brilliant couldn't put down the controller till i found out what was happening. the story is full of loads of twists you wont see coming. now some of the bad point there are some stupid bosses in the game that are too easy to kill even on insane and some levels they could have done with out but overall i would give it 10/10
online for me was not as enjoyable as gears 1. i get the feeling that they have made the lancer a lot stronger than number 1 so a lot of people tend to use that so the fun factor have just gone. the new game modes are a bit up and down as well i found wing man really fun while i found submission really long and boring. so overall i would give it 7/10
new features:
i think the best new feature is horde just no stop madness with your mates as you try to get to wave 50 with out getting killed plus you can get a real feel for the new weapons. the new weapons are really fun a bit slow but can do some real damage in the right hands. then you have a feature then i over use online which is the frag tag to the wall i feel its a really good idea but can be to powerful and can get a bit old when u keep walking round and getting blow up. so for new features i would give it 8/10
so on a whole you should buy this game for the offline alone and get gears 1 for online. my overall rating is 9/10