The Review: Gears of War 2
Story/Campaign (10/10): Finally, Gears is given a gripping story that doesn't quite tug as hard as the Halo trilogy, but still grips harder than most. It draws you in, gives the characters some needed exposition, and actually makes you care. Maybe not for the character's life, but definitely what their fighting for. Let me explain: The story to Gears 2 is that now the locust are sinking whole cities somehow, trying to sink the "unsinkable" city, Jacinto, all while Dom is trying to find his wife, and things about Marcus Fenix' dad is revealed. What I was saying earlier is you don't care whether Dom or Marcus lives, but rather if they find Dom's wife, or Marcus' dad. The story feels almost as the ending of the whole thing, until the end where it leaves a lot for a third game, while not giving you an abrupt ending that Halo 2 did. Not only this, but the game is much longer than the first's, but unlike the first, you don't get sick of the game by the end.
Gameplay (9/10): I have nothing really overall bad to say about the gameplay. It has been improved, now being able to battle chainsaws and stick gernades on walls, making it a movement sensitive mine (though, only useful if lucky or camping in small areas, as they are easy to see). No more random sticking to walls, either, though you still sometimes (though much rarer) stick to things that get you killed.
Multiplayer (9/10): Supported with a great set of maps (Hail, Jacinto, and Blood Drive are some really fun ones), a great (GREAT) new game, called Horde, and bots for your random pleasure (or achievements), the multiplayer is VERY improved. But, there are some awful maps (though few), and without 4 friends, Horde, after while can get near impossible. Horde is a game where you and 3 friends can play on a map against waves of enemies from the campaign, such as Boomers and etc. There are 50 waves in all, and can become, if you're alone or with only one friend, it can become annoyingly frustrating, but play with the right people, it can be one of the funnest things on the disc.
Achievements (10/10): The achievements here are easy, if not a bit time consuming. The infamous Seriously Achievement from the first (get 1000 kills online only) is back but bigger (100,000), but can mean ANY kill you get in the game, including through campaign. Campaign on Hardcore gave me about 1000 kills, and horde will gradually give you around 40 enemies later on per wave. The rest are actually fun, such as kill 30 enemies with the grinder turret. These make you play with the new weapons, while actually having to play the campaign (as it is easier to get them through it) in a new way than just plugging away with a sniper/shotgun combo, as so many do, give or take a lancer.
Overall: 9.5/10
This game will have you playing for awhile, improving on the originals faults, and so much more.