This is what Gears of War could of been. Vehicals, new guns, and forfills the definition of Epic! READ>>>

User Rating: 9.5 | Gears of War 2 X360
I got the first one and it was way hyped.. Now with this one it is dead on with the hype.. sure the story and characters could have been expressed better but hey, Gears one had less story and character. *****Spoiler*****( no original people really die but charaters in the 2nd do like Tai, Maria, Rook, Cowboy, others but anyways*****Spoiler OVER**** its a great game, new coversystem, better graphics more bad guys to plant your bullets in, and the new Hord mutiplayer is great. even if you dont have online they hook you up with bots, yes, bots not even halo dose that!! there is a crapload of amazing moments in this game as well as at least one hour more campain play as the first. and you get alot more achivements if you are a gamerscore finatic. anyone that gives this a bad review dosent oviously apreshiate games like these or maybe they just suck at games, YEAH IM CALLIN YOU OUT GOW2 HATERS!! definitly worth your time and money.. more then the first one...Weres the Mulcher!!!!! check out my profile and lets play online!!!!