Gears of war 2 xbox 360 review

User Rating: 9.5 | Gears of War 2 X360

Unlike a PC a console is always staying the same as technology advances a developer has to make do with the same hardware until they bring an all new machine and that brings me onto the xbox 360 this is a powerful machine and this series is all about visuals epic battles so its good that EPIC did not dissapoint in making gears 2 because its without doubt a great sequel and one of the best 360 games period.

Single player

Cliff said that gears 2 would be a deeper darker game but would have a love story with dom looking for his wife so its basically two story lines at once through the whole game and the question people will be asking does it work? Well yes actually it does gears 2 is not going to make you weep but it will make you feel for the characters at times and as a lot of people will know its not easy making a bad ass game with emotion but epic have done it pretty well and thats an achievement itself. The single player takes 9-11 hours depending on how fast you go thorugh you should have it done possibly in seven or eight hours but the good news is this game does not have a short single player but a decent length.

Co-op 2 players

Gears of war 2 works just fine with 2 players a lot of people seem to demand 4 player co-op like halo 3 but as the team will tell you 2 players fit just nicely.

Horde mode

Horde mode is where 5 players survive up to 50 waves of locust and you have the casual mode all the way up to the tv bashing Insane but this is a mode where you must work as a team or else you will constantly fail because this gears you need a lot of bullets to bring down boomers and that is what makes horde so dam good on highwaves you need to run for more ammo if your camping in day one so it becomes exciting as you go through the waves and you get a nice achievement if you get to wave 50.

Achievements in gears of war 2

The previous gears was no easy game you really had a lot of restrictions so bad i ended up with 190/1250 but im not a point whore so you know but onto the achievements they are in one word "fantastic" you can basically get them anyway in any mode they are not that hard so now i have 620/1000 a good amount but i still need to do insane for the big 150GS.

Multiplayer 10 v 10

Excellent as always no shotgun rushers more balanced except for the awful matchmaking which i hear is slightly better but overall just classic gears of war with screenshot mode where you can take pics of anything you see when dead its great.




More bad ass


slow matchmaking


Bigger better more bad ass is what my verdict is people.