A lot of new things achieved but how can they miss the obvious!
Gears of War 2 toned down the sniper. It is almost as if downs don't happen anymore with it. Players either get headshots or damage the enemy. Now, the other weapons. The shotgun in my opinion is horrible. Why make the most used weapon so bad? The lancer is above all cheap. They made it to the point where it makes the person invincible unless someone else chainsawed the user. The shotgun really does nothing. In Gears 1, if you shot someone in the back they'd at least get downed. This one, you shoot em in the back once they barely get damaged. What was going through the creators minds? The scorcher and proximity grenades is a nice touch. But proximity smoke grenades? Come on, I personally think it makes the game ten times as annoying because everyone starts with them. If you picked them up i think that would be fair but in territories, everything gets so frustrating because the smoke grenades never end.
I think the story is better, even though I haven't beat it all. The unlockable feature is very cool. I like the idea of unlocking characters. Good Job Epic!
Horde is sweet. The whole co-op experience makes you and your friends all get along rather than having people mad. You work together and it is a great addition to the Gears series.
But overall, the online multiplayer is horrible. I played gears one because the multiplayer was so intense and satisfying. Fighting lag made the person have to become very good. Even though preactives ruined that but in this game I feel like the shotgun is useless and the lancer is the way to go which to me is a very poor assumption that Epic made. Other weapons like the boom got toned down a bit too and they gave you an extra bullet, which is sort of stupid. It makes sense to have less and do more damage, they are rockets for Christs sake!
I gave it a 9 because the multiplayer needs a lot of work. It takes forever to find matches because it tries to even out the players skills but at times when you have five people it is still slow. They need to fix these issues otherwise I may go back to gears one. The levels they brought back were decent except tyro. I wish they brought back Process. But really, the new levels aren't too great and they need to get rid of the Mortar and Mulchur and make it in certain game modes, even though they can be fun.