great multiplayer, unbelievable campaign, horde is amazing!!!!!!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Gears of War 2 X360
amazing, brilliant, outstanding
the stuff about Dom looking for his wife is sad and touching but not that great, it takes away from what is really happening.
the new guns are great, the new locust are amazing and well thought out. The new maps are better then in Gears 1
but the flash map pack maps are horrible
they just feel different and look so different then in Gears 1
the campaign was awesome
the story was great
it didn't answer to many questions it just made tons of new ones
the graphics are amazing, they blow you away at times
the sound quality is great
the voice acting is good might be great but i dont know lol
reminds me of gears of war 1 in many ways and improves in many ways but in the multiplayer it has seemed to take a step back to some degree
its like gears of war 1 is halo 1 and gears 2 is halo 2
there all great games but the original was way better
i no its not a fair comparing gears 2 to halo 2 because gears 2 is much better then halo 2