Im gonna have to disagree with the gamestop review

User Rating: 8 | Gears of War 2 X360
Im gonna have to disagree with the gamestop review, the strongest point of GOW2 is definitely its campaign, not its multiplayer. While Horde is cool, the multiplayer is very flawed and compared to the two other most popular shooters for 360 (COD4, Halo3), it just doesn't even come close. Firstly, the ranking system is horrid and has no logic, being based off of team wins and odds of your team winning, especially when 90% of the time the player searcher tends to pick the must uneven teams imaginable. I have probably played 30 plus matches (which is a lot when they each last 15-20 minutes usually) and only in 5 of those were there not terribly lopsided teams to the point where you could be amazing and have impact. To make it worse, one team will tend to have much less lag, and in a game like GOW2 where if you miss your first shot/chainsaw attack you die, it makes for an overwhelmingly frustrating experience. I believe there are only 6 ranks as well, so there's little replayability as opposed to how Halo and COD4 have both mastered their respective systems. Also, the Meatflag version of CTF is terrible...what were they thinking? Horde is really fun though, the only really fun aspect of GOW2.

Now to the goods. Graphics are amazing, although I will say as a personal taste, I thought it was a downgrade from GOW1. Artistically speaking, the melancholic and metallic environment painted with utterly pale hues really reflected the story they were trying to tell, here, there is no connection, they just use realistic colors, which is a flaw for me.
The campaign is really good, and near flawless. I disagree again with gamespot here, SPOILER the Intestinal Fortitude level where you are in the worm and other levels like where you fight Skorge on the Reavers as well as the bosses add great interactive and different experiences. I also enjoyed the new variety of enemies with the large boomers, maulers, and reavers, as well as the Tickers. These experiences gave gamespot a bad taste in the mouth because apparently they don't enjoy variety or a scene where they are just shooting the same grunts over and over again... Anyways, a lot of people are similarly upset with the story of GOW2 as they are with Halo2, but I will say, where Halo2's story didn't have any kind of point, GOW2 does big time and is setting up for an epic GOW3. I think that when people have completed the trilogy they will come back and realize how good GOW2 and its story were. Not to mention, this is a ploy from epic to get people to play their game. Otherwise, campaign play is much similar to GOW1 minus those terribly annoying bats but its the variety that makes it better, graphics and engine aside.

All in all, Campaign is 10/10 and Mutliplayer is 6/10, saved only by Horde.