Still a good game.
They really screwed up on the Multi player part with the adding of the auto search for players. We had to wait about 10 minutes to get a online game going after stopping and re-starting the server. Why would they mess with something that was not broken in the first Gears Of Wars? The Online part has slowed down the game play compared to the first Gears of Wars. Adding things like the Ghost Camera was a wast of gaming space that could have been used for something better. Maybe add so new features in the game itself. Overall its still a great game just wished they would have put more ideas in the game play. Maybe the Game makers should start listen to the gamers and use some of are ideas to make better games. What we gamers see now in games is a fast release of a game that has about 1 day of game play then on the shelf to collect dust. If they start thinking about how really great to make a game and stop thinking about how deep they can make their pockets games would be a hit like they once was. In the market of consoles and handhelds its all about money and not about making a great product.