The only GEARS OF WAR 2 review you need to read

User Rating: 10 | Gears of War 2 X360
Gears of war 2 is one of the greatest games you could ever play. There are a lot of haters that love to hate on the game with comments like it isn't as good then the original gears this is an absurd thing to say seeing as this game improves on nearly everything gears one did great. Like the ability to hide behind things and peek your head out from behind the cover and of cores the beautiful graphics that blow you away every time you chainsaw someone in half with a lancer or blow a head of with a active reload shotgun shell. There are a few drawbacks to the game like the multilayer matchmaking if you don't have a full party of five friends you will not find a team for like five minutes. Once you find a team it could take several more minutes to find an opposing team. Another drawback is the ease for any old noob to come up and chainsaw you like you are the worst player ever. This is something epic couldn't stop but still a miner drawback. There is one other thing about the campaign that needs to be mentioned which is the final boss is nowhere near as exciting as the boss from the first gears of war. Since GTA IV could get a perfect 10 with all its flaws I figure why can't GOW2 get a perfect 10. To anyone who thinks I'm hating on GTA IV you are completely wrong it is one of my favorite games and it did deserve a perfect 10. Gamespots terrible reviews make me want to find a new primary source for all my gaming needs. Also they need to bring BUTTON MASHING back it was one of the reasons I even started to use Gamestop.