Well-developed sequel to a rising franchise.

User Rating: 9 | Gears of War 2 X360
Okay. GoW:2 offers the same great gameplay as GoW did, but a better game overall than number 1 due to great adds. If you played and liked the first one I would recommend buying/renting/borrowing this game for a play. More weapons, executions, and a satisfying campaign and on-line multiplayer make this game one of the current best on the 360. At first the multiplayer was terrible with load times, but since the update, things go much smoother now.
Beating the campaign leaves you with Fenix's father still alive with a broken voice . . . basically a teaser for GoW:3.
GoW fans be prepared for number 3 a couple years down the line, and we'll see where Epic leads us to.

However, if you are one of the people who did not care for the original, do NOT buy this game. It will feel very similar and a dissatisfying waste of time=O.

+ achievements are not hard to get either. Just a little time.
