Gears 2 is just as good, if not, even better than the original killer app!
User Rating: 9 | Gears of War 2 X360
Gears 2 is an amazing game, especially if you're a fan of Gears of War 1. It takes the story to a whole different emotional level and it really gets you interested. As for the campaign, it's a whole lot bigger and more bad ass. It's the same game play from the original though so don't expect anything new and innovative except for new weapons and bigger enemies. The multiplayer is a lot better than it was in the first game because it involves more team effort. The horde mode is amazingly fun to play with friends. The shotgun has been tuned down a lot so don't expect to beast like you did in Gears 1 with it, those days are gone. If you're going to be successful online you're gonna need to work with your team. Overall I recommend this game to fans of the first and even people who have never played Gears because it's a great game with a solid single-player campaign and great team based multiplayer.