Great sequel to a great game. This next installment in a now-great franchise will give shooter fans all they can handle!
HIGH POINTS: Graphics. They were tops in GOW, and they are even better now. Though it is not a quantum leap from the year before, it is noticeably better, even in standard def. Another high point is the new modes. The multiplayer offerings are well-diversified and offer a lot of thrills outside of your standard CTF and deathmatch modes. Wingman and Annex are personal favorites that will keep you on XBox Live way too late! What's wrong? Not the competitive type, but you still want to play online? Well, Sally, GOW2 has got something for you too! Horde, which is a multiplayer mode that allows human players to team up against waves of Locust, is an awesome diversion for non-competitive players, or players looking for some good team action. Believe me, if you are in for a challenge, just try to complete every wave in that mode. You are asking for pain. You probably have a better chance of spotting a whore in church than you do of getting to that final wave. Finally, all of the new additions are perfect for the updated game. New weapons (two handed and standard) and grenades add new levels of strategy. This is definitely not just a retread of a successful formula.
LOW POINTS: Though the story in this game is MUCH better than last game, unfortunately, it is nothing more than a popcorn affair. You will not be losing sleep over the emotional moments or epic lives of the core characters. The are 'roided up, they are bad ass, and they want to kill the Locust. That is all you need to know. I did like the random touch backs to the first game though. I liked the continuity it created, and made the story work, even in a limited degree. I am not saying that the story is bad, it just isn't more than a standard action, sci-fi flick. But hey, did you expect much more? Second, I wish the campaign was a little longer. It is decent size compared to other games in its genre, but GOW2 is so good that you will want to play this game for longer than it lasts. Maybe that is a backhanded compliment, but regardless, unless you have XBox Live, the new experiences will be over pretty quick.
THE SCOOP: You like action, I know you do. You also enjoy killing aliens and saving the world. I can feel it. So do yourself a favor, and pick this up. Unless you never played the first GOW. In that case, get the first one, beat that, then get this. You will appreciate this game that much more if you do.