Brings you back to the massive boss battles of old school games.
Shooter games just aren't like that anymore - with building sized enemies that scare the pudding out of you. This game takes the solid gameplay from GOW, but takes it a step further with more exciting gunfights, enemies, weapons, and vehicles.
-Spoiler Alert-
I mean, for crying out loud, you get to ride and use a brumak, one of those flying locust bug things, and a bada$$ COG Tank in this game! how cool is that?! The story is more engaging and emotional than the first game too, as you see humans get tortured, friends die horrible deaths, and our home planet get annihilated and ready for invasion by the locust. This brutal reality gets you into the story more and further drives you to complete the game faster. The campaign can be beaten in a couple sittings - I took me around 8 hours to beat the campaign on normal, with me taking extra time looking for collectibles.
I haven't played online that much, but what I can tell you is that it's every bit as good as the first title. Also, If you buy the game now, they have a promotion going on that includes a xbox live code that entitles you to a free map pack and one-month gold trial.
The bottom line is, this is one of the best video game campaigns I've ever played as the action changes repeatedly just when you think the gameplay is getting redundant. The sheer scale of the game is impressive too, particularly in some of the bosses and underground locust hideout kingdom. This game is worth a rent at the very least to just experience a wonderful campaign experience, solo, or with up to four friends co-operatively!