Another great instalment in a great series.
The new enemies are also a great load of fun. There are bloodmounts, which are massive beats ridden by some plucky locust. These enemies are a great nuisance, as their riders will shoot you from far away and the mount will maul you up close. The Kantus are a new addition, being the priests of the Locust. If you don't take them out quickly they will respawn any downed locust, meaning that you will just be fighting the same people over and over again. Not only can they do that, but they will also throw ink grenades which will temporarily block off an area with poisonous cloud. There are also several new types of Boomers, all of which are just as deadly as the original. The old Boomer is still there, but he is accompanied by the Butcher, a melee Boomer with a large knife, the Grinder, a Boomer that carries round a Mulcher (a new heavy machine gun that he can wield accurately without using a wall to prop it up, but you have less chance of hitting a wall), there is also my least favourite of new Boomer, the Mauler. The Mauler runs around with a boomshield, and an explosively tipped flail, making it one of the most deadly and annoying.
Despite all of these fun new features there are some drawbacks. The matchmaking takes an age, and even then you don't necessarily get partnered up against a fair team. The vehicle section of the game is quite unwieldy and difficult to control, although the rest of the game makes up for this though in my opinion. All in all Gears of War 2 is a great sequel and a brilliant game.