Lets just hope this Series in the words of Marcus Fenix, "It never ends!!"
I played the solo campaign on and off, and completed it tonight. I've got to say, it's one of the best games i have played, ever. The gameplay is better than the first, it's all action. The story line is a bit on and off. But the reason i love it, is because of the graphics. Not just the close, in your face graphics, like the blood splattin on your screen when your chainsaw a wretch, which is classic. But the background graphics, the scenery, and the interaction with the locusts which are miles away. For example, that bit when your in the hollow, and just got a sniper rifle, and you go up high. Then in the distance, you see a locust patrol, and you just stand there and pick them off. Brilliant.
I also loved the variation of gameplay, like the change from being on foot, to being on betty, then driving the centaur, then flying the reaver, and then if thats enough, controllin a brumack!! Fantastic game.
There are a couple of things which annoyed me. One, too much time underground. I heard myself moan, when they said near the end, that I would have to go back underground to plant the bomb. Two, the annoying A.I of Dom. Sometimes he just stands there, or gets stuck behind nothing. Or other times runs into the fight without a care in the word, and ends ups needin revival. Hell, im gald his bloody wife Maria died. Harsh i know, but he shouldn't be a muppet!! But after her death, he got his act together and didnt muck up. So maybe it was a good thing she died, well for me anyway.
But yea, worth buying!! Hope other people agree. Oh yea, no point readin my review of this game, im just gunna copy and paste, hahaha.
Take care, and keep on gaming.