User Rating: 10 | Gears of War 2 X360
Gears of war 2 is the best game of 3rd person shooter.....its bettr than rockstars red dead redemption.Its highly addictive and the most coolest thing about this game is the co operative mode in which we can play with aur friend as marcus or dom. The game is not at all repitative.The creators have always thought of this and thats why they have brought so many new changes in the game.Most of the game is a cover shooter with a lot of blood and gore and strong language.Leaving this the game consists of driving machines flying reavers and many other things.The boss fights are also cool and the chainsaw is amazing!!!The generous save game which keeps us happy.I dont know about gears of war 1 and 3.I hope the games rock.The depth of presentation also makes the game excellent.To play this game the player just needs accuracy stealth and swiftness.The verdict:excellent game!!!!