I rather hated this game when it came out, but i guess perfection can only be a few tweeks away...

User Rating: 9 | Gears of War 2 X360
So all the rave on the 360 is GoW2 well let me tell you that wasnt so at launch. I was a rather hardcore fan of the first GoW. And I was there for the midnight launch, got all my golden guns, and was ready to go on a flashback trip into the best multiplayer experience I have ever known. Pun intended. Well that didnt happen at all... It sucked... balls to say at best, it took me literally over a half hour to find a match in the opening days of the game, and even then after I actually got to play the game I became very angry and rather annoyed because all that seemed to happen was that i would get a smoke grenade thown at me that knocked me on my ass for usually about 4 seconds and thats if I was lucky enough to avoid the dreaded stairs which would take you literally about 15 seconds to get up after getting "smoked" because you would have to slide all the way down them before you even start to get up. Not to mention the horrible lag which seemed to occur every single match. My god people considering that this was "the best multiplayer experience" I had ever encontered on the first title, it by far went through hell, but alas finally it did come back. Though I will say Horde was a great experience. Going through 10 waves of ever increasingly harder enemies that would Restart every 10 rounds to make it a little easier but to increase the locusts hit damage, health, accuracy, etc. all the way to 50 waves which if you manage to get through all 50 waves you are looking at about 3-5 hours of play fairly easy, that while good was the only draw back as I seemed never to have enough time to finish all 50 waves.

Now before I get into the multiplayer updates let me tell you about the campaign. It was very good, the new executions, the cool guns, the new variations of enemies, etc. The campaign ran smooth and was a blast in co-op. They left far too many loose ends; that is my only gripe with the campaign other than the fact that Scourge is no where near being as intimidating or as "bad ass" as RAMM was. ( My own personal preference...well I guess thats what all this is so anyways.) The Bloodmounts were a great addition to the locust horde as everytime I encounered them they tended to be hell to deal with quite a frightening foe indeed for a game. All variations with the Boomer were awesome and were a great threat that needed to be dealt with or you would find yourself easily killed if they got within stricking distance, most notably the Mauler.( Especially a very high Horde waves) The mortar was a great addition as it is the ultimate killing machine while keeping its powers limited as you cant run, roll, or even move as fast while carrying it and you have to be damn near perfect at aiming with it to even hope to get a kill. Actual storywise it wasnt bad other than I felt they got Co-op player Dominic Santiago way too involved in the story as it didnt settle well with me... To be honest I thought it was stupid but dont let that stop you from enjoying this awesome campaign. Also somthing EPIC did was that they added unlockablees from new players to dead ones back in GoW1 adding more emphasise to "flashback". You can now use 1 of 2 starting assualt rifles the traditional lancer to the new and improved hammerburst as now instead of a burst shot it has a almost semi-auto feel with great accuracy and a pistol like zoom, plus its more powerful than the lancer to boot possibly to counteract the chainsaw.

Graphics of course are top notch, nothing out there really that comes close to this games engine, also there is almost never frame rate issues unless you get caught in a quick load. Otherwise just jaw dropping graphics.

Now the reason why all of you are wondering why I gave this game such a great review, because the reason I play GoW is for its awesome multiplayer. Epic may have messed it up beyond belief and I didnt think it would ever be playable, but somehow they found a way. Before I go into what was fixed Ill tell you sbout what was already good in the multiplayer even though at the time didnt matter as it was unplayable. First of sniper no longer active downs. Second torque bow now has the capability of causing headshots which isnt limited to 1 person as it will continue to go through the next enemies head until it hits a solid object of finds its way into any other part of the enemy (other than the head) which causes a nasty explosion. Third frags can be proxied to walls that detonate when an enemy walks by. I really like the idea of a meatshield its really cool while makeing you feel like a bad ass and powerful there is a way to get around it as to make the player invincible, simply shooting the meatshied til it deteriorates or have someone move in from behind as the player with the meatshield will move and tuen very slow. The new Assassination remake now called Guardian now allows all players to respawn untill the leader dies making it feel not so pointless. Submission is great as well as you proceed to down and drag a stranded to a random spawn when captured. Though I would have liked the standed to actually be a person and not an NPC. Though it is still great fun. Now what was fixed over the months. The lag was fixed where most matches play with little to no lag, while not perfect I find it to play better than GoW1 does. The smoke grenade no longer knocks you down but rather makes you curl up from its hard hitting impact but you only stay this way probably a little less than 2 seconds and the blast radius is about that of frag grenandes on Gow1 now so just a quick roll will get you to safety. The sniper didnt respond real well to headshots when it first came out now whether this has been patched or not it has been working rather well for me though there stills seems to be some issues with the sniper. Almost all glitching has been removed as that tended to be a gripe for some. It takes no more than 5 minutes (and rarely at that) to no less than 10 seconds to get a match now. Bullet lag was an issue for me at first but wall bouncing has been emphasized so much I have grown to move faster than just running anyways. So while the long wait should not have been tolerated to begin with it has been fixed and I hope we will not have to deal with this mess in GoW3, as it is and will always be unexceptable in my book. In spite of these flaws and setbacks they managed to make that feel of the first game return with a vengeance. I have not been able to play another game for the last month, its that good! And can only get better with more updates. So thank you EPIC for making a booboo into a woohoo.