Epic's second is a somewhat good game, but a disappointing sequel.

User Rating: 7 | Gears of War 2 X360
Personally, 'Gears of War 2' was my most sought-after video game of all time. It's the only game that I pre-ordered months before release and purchased on launch day.
I could honestly barely wait to finally get my hands on this shooting game. I expected it to be a majestic adventure accompanied by charming graphics, engrossing characters, amusing weapons and a splendid multiplayer. Despite the fact that the graphics didn't seem like an enormous improvement, I didn't expect myself to be disappointed. Perhaps it could outdo the original?

Well, Epic's 'Gears of War 2' turned out to be a large letdown. I think that the game is "too bright" (I truly admired the absence of light of the original), and it makes the game less enchanting. Neither am I fond of its "cartoonish" blood - the realistic blood in 'Gears of War' was very pleasing. I don't like the way you move and run in 'Gears of War 2' - it doesn't feel satisfying and the gameplay feels different, weird and downright bad compared to the original. It doesn't feel very gratifying attaining a headshot with the Longshot anymore. Cutting down your foe with the lethal chain saw doesn't feel epic anymore. The multiplayer really is inferior to the original's - it lags and it's not exciting.
Nonetheless, 'Gears of War 2' isn't a downright bad game - it possesses a surprisingly good story line and the campaign provides you with an experience worth remembering. The sound in the game is very good and Horde was quite entertaining.

If 'Gears of War 3' ever were to be announced by Epic, I would presumably have purchased it, since I'm interested in the franchise. I would not, on the other hand, have hyped it as much as 'Gears of War 2'.