Gears of War 3. The final run for the gears and they sure end with a bang. Best in series, packed with loads of content.
Anyways all in all the campaign is a blast, sometimes can be a little to over the top but to be honest I don't really have any beef with it. I loved the way the story went. I can't say for certain how I feel about the ending, felt a bit rushed but I'm glad it has come to an end. Sometimes you just need to quit while ahead.
Gameplay - The same old gameplay from the previous two gears games is back and better then ever. The same buttons and all apply but it just feels so much more polished and smoother. This is the best the gameplay has been in the series and it just felt so perfect playing it. You still run and gun with the good old Rodie Run and of course the great cover based system, one of the best cover based systems ever in my opinion. There are plenty of guns this time around with a few new ones, like the evil sawed-off shotgun. Which will quickly be your best friend and worst enemy, as it is basically a "1 Shotter". Also got some other goodies like the "Digger" which will tunnel under ground and blow up right under the enemies feet. Which is a lot of fun to use. Other new weapons like the "One-Shot" may take some practice to master but all weapons in this game are a blast to use (no pun intended). Everyones favorites like the Lancer and Gnasher return with also a newly redesigned Lancer called the "Retro-Lancer" Which is more powerful but a lot less accurate. It is also equipped with a bayonet that you can rodie run into enemies, which was probably the most fun I had in a video game ever. All players will find at least a few guns to suit their playing style.
This time around, the campaign is now 4-Player Co-op, and it works perfectly. I never had so much fun playing a co-op game until this. Playing with a few of your friends is great fun. If you don't have any friends don't worry because you can search through public matches to find some co-op buddies.
I talked a lot about the campaign but there is so much more to this game A LOT more. Cliffy B has stuffed so much content into this game its a wonder how the disc fit inside the case. Lets start with the revamped Horde mode. It is still a survival mode that we all know. But now it is more like a tower-defense. Hordes of locust will swarm and you will have the option to set up a base and build many different things like Fences, turrets and decoys, etc. Everything is also upgradeable, the more you build something the more exp you get into that category so for example if you build lots of fences, soon you'll can enough exp in the fences category and unlock laser fences and that goes for all. The towers just get bigger and better the more you use them. Aside from Horde mode you also get the brand new mode called "Beast" mode which is like horde mode except YOU are the Locust and you are trying to kill the COG. You have a couple tiers of locust and the more kills you get the more exp you get and keep doing that and you'll get a new set of Locust to choose from. There is a very good variety of Locust to choose from and some are just so much fun to play as. This mode was an excellent idea and I highly recommend this mode to anyone out there.
You also still have the competitive multiplayer. Warzone, King of the hill, Wingman etc. Don't worry about connection issues because Cliffy B thought of everything and made such a solid game it'll be really rare to run into an issue. Multiplayer has a level up system which will unlock many things including titles, executions, skins for your guns and much more. Everything about the gameplay is just perfect. The game is solid and basically bug free. Cliffy B truly made one heck of a game.
Graphics - This game is pretty beautiful to look at. Now its nothing ground breaking but when you compare it to the first gears of war. You will notice right away how much better it looks now. So much more sharp and crisp and the textures are excellent and very very well done. The world looks real and feels real. You won't hear many people complaining about the graphics of the game. The facial animations can look a bit stale here and there but overall its well done.
Sound - The voice acting for this game was just down right amazing. Each character felt so real and fit perfectly even the new characters, especially Sam who is played by Claudia Black. If your not sure who it is, she also played Chloe Frazer in the Uncharted series. She did amazing and I really love her character. Its nice to see more female characters in video games, especially when they make them as cool as Sam. Marcus, Cole and the rest of the original crew are of course did an excellent job.
As for the Music. I really did not care for it too much, I listened to the soundtrack and it is good but nothing you would remember. There just was not anything ground-breaking about it but the tracks did suit the mood. They really bring the world to life but its nothing you'll want to listen to in the car. At least in my opinion, but I do know many people who like it I am just not a huge fan. There is a piano re-mix of Mad World which was originally done by Gary Jules which first became a huge hit for gear fans back when the first trailer premiered for the first game in the series. Anyways, I loved the piano version it was really well done and went well with the map they used it for.
As for the sound design it was very well done. Explosions, bullets and Locust babble sounded excellent and you can hear right off the bat that they put a lot of work into it. It sounds rich and real and really pulls you into the experience and makes you immersed in the world of Gears.
Bottom Line - Gears of War 3 ended with a bang. This is by far the best addition to the series. With an amazing campaign that has some pretty epic parts with plenty of emotionally ones too that really make you feel for the characters.
So much replay value you'll be playing this game for a while. Plus with DLCs flying in, there is always new content. Beast mode is a ton of fun and with the revamped Horde more and tons of unlockables, this is one of the best multiplayer games I have ever played (my favorite for 2011). I recommended this to anyone, especially those who already have a 360.
Great Story.
Fantastic Multiplayer with loads of content.
Beast mode is a great addition.
Terrific Voice acting.
4 Player co-op.
Beautiful Environments