Not That Great...Decent

User Rating: 7.5 | Gears of War 3 X360
Ok I usually don't review games but I could not help myself here. You have got to be kiddin me here. The visuals are great and the cutscenes are great. After that it's just a basic third person shooter. In fact this game has one huge problem...if you mess around with searching for ammo or collectables you will hear the sound of the completion of your level...Your squad does almost ALL the fighting. You have too run to the fight most of the time or you will miss the action. That is just poor design. I am very happy people like this game but I think a majority have bought into the media hype. I mean it's ok but too hold it too such high regard is bad for gaming in my eyes. Christ I am bored half the time and I love all kinds of games. I really wanted to like this but I have to be honest with myself. In fact one of the scene's with Cole Train is so weird and laughable I could not beleive it. And I had no control over it. Make a Gears movie or hope they do because I feel like I'm watching one more than anything. I just dont feel that my charecter has complete control of the action and the fighting. Really surprised that so many gamers and reviewer's don't mention this. I would never buy a Gears game again. Rent it in my opnion. You won't. It's media and Gamestop hype, but realize your money is better off on other games out and i'm sure coming out.