Slowly evolved series from being Great to OK and now GOOD.
After 2 weeks or so after being the campaign and playing online, i had time to think about the game play and story of GOW3. Sadly i did not feel any WOW moment or felt attached to the campaign in any way. It does wrap up all the loose ends of the previous installments but nothing is memorable. You will not remember a boss fight or anything that happens in the game. I played on hardened and i have to say this game was ridiculously easy. I feel that the whole game was meant to be played in 4 person co-op. Which is bad because it ended up opening up and flattening the environment causing it to feel empty.
ALL GOOD but need to balance the shotgun vs. shotgun.
The kill range on the SOS is a bit to far. As everyone should know, not one gun in the game can counter the SOS within its kill range. With the Gnasher within the SOS kill range and looking down sights, in the little aim box and you shoot first You dont even cause them to go down. Also with the Gnasher at point blank range with and enemy unaware they have a shotgun pointed at their head is not an instant kill. Not even a down but what does happens that they turn around and kill you with a chainsaw you cant stop in this game or with the SOS.
They just need to adjust the Gnasher strength within the SOS kill range to kill or at least down them. Any shotgun should be a kill at point blank range. People run around with the SOS like they would do with the gnasher in previous games. Why take that aspect of out of a gnasher and make it into the SOS but ruin the gnasher that everyone enjoyed.