Shows you things you don't expect, sadly the multiplayer is very casual now though.
We are introduced and shown Marcus Fenix's relationship with his father as we soon learn *SPOILER! He's still alive. While your playing through the campaign you'll notice the amazing set pieces and brilliant colors which is a first, as well as 4 player co op :)
It's hard to talk about the campaign without giving much away, but I will say this is just as emotional as it is adrenaline fueled.
You will be glad to know the multiplayer is nothing like that poop that was Gears 2. In my opinion it resembles more of Gears 1 with it's fluid movement and gnasher power with Gears 2's fresh ideas. Along with the multiple executions, leveling up, weapon skins, and character unlocks my only gripe is the sawed off shotgun. Apparently the sawed off has had it's power reduced but just to prove how over powered it is in the hands of somebody that goes hard in this game, I used it and dominated not dieing once. It's not game breaking but it will annoy you from time to time.
Beast mode is a great new feature which is really fun where it's basically horde mode but reversed. It's really fun I just wish more people would play it. Speaking of horde mode it's toned up and greater than ever.
This is a must buy even if you are not a Gears fan.