All game modes make for a seriously valuable package. I finally got some great MP and Horde to tear me away from BlOps.
Campaign was much easier than I expected on Normal. I'll be playing Hardcore when I can tear myself away from Multiplayer! I've heard Insane is as much of a challenge as anyone will need!
Multiplayer is great. Came in as a total Noob too used to FPS mechanics. After some early rage filled matches, I love it. Nothing more satisfying than watch a head turn to mush after a well aimed Gnasher! Love the objective based games provided you don't get too many idiots who are clearly only there for kills. KOTH is my favourite but Warzone and Capture the Leader are great too.
Great Achievements to be earned. Some are great fun like the executions one. Chasing the medals and ribbons are even more fun though. Get the same feeling I did in COD 4 where levelling up and earning ribbons feels like a sense of achievement. I just got bored of prestiging in Black Ops.
As I said, just great value. All the game modes are solid and the presentation is very very good. A win all round!