Most surprising game since gears 1
User Rating: 8.5 | Gears of War: Judgment X360
I have been playing gears of war since the original and when I heard the announcement of this game I felt it was going to be a cheap side game due to Epic handing it over to people can fly and Cliff Blezinski leaving Epic games. But this game is actually very good. The multiplayer is very much more refined, they stripped it off all the things that slowed the game down and felt cheap, that means no more sticking walls with grenades and no more frustrating unfair deaths! Also they got rid of the down feature which really in my opinion is great since now you dont have to worry about people stealing your kills, this feature though is still in the campaign which is great. One feature that may annoy fans is that they dropped a weapon slot on online, but really this just causes you to make use of the weapons you already have which is great making the game less cheap. New additions include immediate spawning and ability to drop down from ledges to surprise your opponents which makes the game much more exciting. The maps also are much better than they were in the other gears games as they are now very varied and not so symmetrical as they were in Gears 1-3. The new overrun mode is worth a purchase of this game in itself, for people who have played gears before its like playing beast mode and horde mode..COMBINED, yeah think about that for a second, its awesome! The visuals in this game look a bit more refined than Gears 3, as the lighting effects are done very great, everything is more bright and colorful.The campaign is also very surprisingly good, the game includes a new smart spawn feature that makes the experience different everytime.One time I was playing and we were up against boomers (Big locust with grenade launchers) then when I died and had to restart I was up against Mulchers (Big locust with heavy machine guns), it kept me on my toes and above all made the game interesting. The game also features these new things called "Declassified missions" which you activate during the campaign which you have the option to play the mission in more difficult ways, like for instance "Beat the mission with only pistols and hammerbursts" or "Beat the mission with sand obstructing your vision", it makes the game much more challenging and enjoyable. All in All I think this game is a very notable entry in the series and a great and interesting change up, People can fly have done a great job!