An excellent port

User Rating: 8.5 | Gears of War PC
In this review I'm not going to discuss the story since in fact exist a lot of reviews (Gamespot indeed) that cover extensively that aspect.

The first time that I watched/played GOW was in a XBOX, since all the hype and good comments about the original, was a complete disappointment for me play in the console. I mean I'm terrible using a gamepad, so when GOW came to PC I was a little optimistic so first I grab a "backup" copy (thank MS but not release a demo) what happened next? Well I bought the original full game.

GOW for PC is an excellent port (I can only congratulate to People can fly) that works great with standard keyboard + mouse controls with the spacebar you enter/exit from cover so the controls are easy and intuitive to any pc player… (If you prefer use a XBOX controller also works like a charm).

Another point of interest is the low demanding requirements that has… I could play it in a Pentium D with 1 GB of ram and a Geforce 7600 GS without any trouble.

The big problem to GOW for PC to make a hit was the MS marketing strategy. First their "Games for Windows Live" was a monthly free charge service and they tried with GOW and Halo2 make profit… However that never happened and that converted the multiplayer in a desert with nobody playing this game. With the time MS change their strategy and started to offer free to developers and customers the service, but was too late for GOW PC.

A plus for the pc version: has a memorable battle with the Brumak (before GOW2), 5 extra levels (that help to feel the game not so short), the MP map pack, and uses GFWL achievements.

The single player is different from other Epic games (unreal and unreal tournament) is cool and go straight forward to the action and like any other Epic game the core of the game play is the Multiplayer however here is where GOW for PC suffers.

1° No dedicated servers (obviously because the original MS intention was charge for the MP!)
2° Bad ping timing
3° the people always play the same maps, so you get quickly bored.

Another point is that this game doesn't come with bots… so you can't play alone those maps that nobody plays.

a) Graphics
b) Cool cover system with transparent usage with keyboard/mouse
c) Lots of action
d) Difficulty level just right

a) Bad patching system

A word of warning… to play it you need to download manually a patch before trying to initialize.
(You can download it here:;2)

My finals words is if you have played the XBOX version you know what I talk about so you can just ignore it, but if you're a hardcore GOW fan you need to pick this edition and enjoy it, if you're like me a strictly PC gamer and you likes the action games, this game will not disappoint you.