A very well-made game with incredibly tight controls and the best graphics on the 360
Gameplay: This game has the tightest controls I have ever used. Being able to find cover so easily while trying to take out enemies has never been so innovative. These controls are the best in any shooter game I've ever played. The enemy AI is amazingly believable, and you have to think your way through things while trying to revive your fallen comrades.
Graphics: Wow... There's not much to say about this. The textures every where have you almost to the point where you believe you're in the game getting your brain blown out by the locusts. The characters have actual facial expressions, which is a rare thing to find in video games.
Sound: The sound in this game is a treat for the ears. When you chainsaw a locust, it sounds like someone is actually dying, adding to the effect of the game very much. The gunfire is very realistic, with unending bullets flying past you. (Or in most cases, right at you)
Value: This game is definitely worth it, and is the Xbox 360's system seller. However, (this is where the aforementioned flaws come in) there is not much you get out of playing the game through a couple times, aside from the Xbox achievements.
Overall: This game is incredible, it's a must-play if not a must-own for 360 owners. You will not be disappointed with this game. Before I end the review, I would like to say that I did not mention the multi-player feature because I do not have an online adapter and not about to go out and buy one for $100.