so much fun. and story is scary as crap
User Rating: 9.5 | Gears of War X360
This game is all around AWESOME!! I usually start out by beating the story mode and then moving on to the online after beating the game. So i will write the review just like that. I started off playing this game and after getting out of prison in the beginning it just goes straight into intensity which doesnt cease even after the game is completed. In campaign you are faced with extingsion of the human race and it could not have been presented in a more terrifying way. This game has the tendency to sneak up on you and right when you think you are safe a little demon bug flies straight at your face and scares the crap outta you. And when you turn the corner a giant blind beat flies through the wall and starts chasing you full speed with almost no warning. Its friggn scary i tell ya. And thats what makes this game so good. Its just an interactive horror movie. Now on to online play. Online play is a lot of fun. Except when every time you turn the corner and get chainsawed or frag tagged. But when you actually get good at the game, it actually gets fun. It can be really intense and awesome. Overall this game gets an A+. Its a lot of fun and you can play it over and over again. And the online play doesnt get old either. If you dont have this game yet, i suggest you go buy it and master it before gears 2 comes out!